Hilfe für die Ukraine
Wir möchten folgenden Aufruf teilen! Danke an Uwe Aßmann, Professor for Software Engineering, Softwarebeirat Silicon Saxony für die Vorbereitung!
Technische Universität Dresden has opened a web page - WE-CARE - with opportunities to help students from the Ukraine https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/internationales/we-care/ukraine, furthermore a flexible exchange program has beed established, that can be booked by students from Ukraine who want to study in Dresden. With that extended exchange study ("erweitertes Austauschstudium") https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/internationales/we-care/ukraine/studienangebote-fuer-ukrainer-innen, students can start to study immediately, and can investigate how they enter a regular program starting from winter 22/23.
The Faculty of Computer Science offers three opportunities for studying:
Masters Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) and Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) (english spoken). Enrollment will be discussed on an individual basis, provided a Bachelor with sufficient background is given. https://tu-dresden.de/studium/vor-dem-studium/studienangebot/sins/sins_start?vlsprache=2
Bachelor Computer Science (German, but English exercises and videos from lectures can be offered on demand). In particular this should be an opportunity for students who cannot complete their Bachelor in Kiev. This would start under the above mentioned extended exchange study, and would require of a student to learn German asap. It could be continued in winter 2022/23 as a regular Bachelor studies. In this call, the Faculty of Informatics is supported by its industrial network Silicon Saxony.
https://www.silicon-saxony.de/aktuelles/gemeinsam-fuer-die-ukraine/ The companies of the network are open to offer internships, student jobs, other jobs, as well as other support, depending on the individual profiles. There are already a number of employees from Ukraine in the region, and Silicon Saxony offers the opportunities of its strong network to prospective students so that they may earn some money at a company to secure their living situation during their studies.
Also the School of Engineering collects contacts to students, please contact the above mentioned WE-CARE program.
For study questions, contact or (Ukrainian and Russian speaking)
For job questions and network questions, see Silicon Saxony, https://www.silicon-saxony.de/aktuelles/gemeinsam-fuer-die-ukraine/