Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg, Dresden © Peggy Freudenberg Zentrum für Bauforschung, Schumannstraße in Dresden © Magdalena Tarkiewicz

The institute introduces itself

The IBK, Institute of Building Climatology, houses the chair for Building Physics (Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald) and the Green Technology in Construction Group (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Xiaoping Xie).
The institute’s premises are in the office building Zellescher Weg (BZW, institute management and offices) and within the Construction Research Center on Georg-Schumann-Straße since its foundation in January 2016. The IBK has the primary research focuses on building material research, software development, transfer of knowledge and green technology in construction, and teaches several courses of study, especially for prospective architects and civil engineers.

learn more The institute introduces itself

Key topics at a glance

IBK, Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg, Dresden © Peggy Freudenberg