Research Units and Topics
Table of contents
The WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture conducts research and teaching in Co-Creation / Visualisation. In the current world knowledge work as a key driver, can no longer be done by single persons or disciplines. There is an increasing demand on how to co-create. Not only in the field of architecture or design questions, moreover in city and state administrations. For instance the upcoming issue of participation needs the support of co-creation knowledge, tools and methods. As very ground base visualisation has been identified so far. Therefore, our lab designs, teaches and investigates co-creation and visualisation methodology.
Live e.g. graphic and digital visualisations (Workshops, Tools)
Visualisation Trainings (Workshops, Consulting)
Co-Creation: Interactive Idea-generation (Workshops, Tools)
Co-Design Tools, e-Participation (Workshops, Tools)
Unit Leader:
Dipl.-Ing. Anja Jannack
Tel.: +49 351 463-32210
U_CODE Urban Collective Design Environment, EU Horizon2020 2016-2018
ZUKUNFTSSTADT DRESDEN, Phase 1 (2015-2016), Phase II (2017-2018)
SYNCITY Smart Concepts for Cities, Buildings, Infrastructures, TUD Intl. Summerschool 2014
MODEL PROJECT SMART CITY DRESDEN, Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development, and Building (BMWSB), 2022-2026
Smart City
Visual Thinking
The WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture conducts research and provides business studies in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship especially focusing marketing of new products and services. Germany still has a gap in coprorate entreneurial spirit, incubation services, and general marketing knowledge . The backlog demands new approaches and concepts enabling clever minds to create radical new products and game changing solutions. To do so, our lab developes methods and tools describing, structuring, and visualizing the process from first ideas to conclusive business models. Further, marketing strategies are designed and taught. In close exchange with companies we reflect and proof our findings and offer a variety of innovation, marketing, and co-operation workshops, trainings, and events.
Innovation and (Corporate) Entrepreneurship Trainings
Customer Channels & Customer Relationships
Marketing & PR
Market Analysis
Branding & Corporate Identity
Storytelling & Customer Journey
Offline & Online Events
Co-operation Workshops
Startup Design
Cluster Analysis
Unit Leader:
Florian Saegebrecht
+49 351 463-32210
Exampel of Successful Projects:
“KA Lab has supported innovative startup companies like:
GreenCitySolutions, that merge design spirit and advanced technologies into future oriented products and services like the CityTree” (Viktor Splittberger, CTO).
Selected Projects:
TRAILS – Traveling Innovation Labs and Services
Startup Design & Marketing – From Idea to Business Model (Seminar)
C3-Saxony Cross Cluster Cooperation
Innovationsforum CoSi-4 & PRIME
The lab unit Bionics Design explores the translation of biological methods and principles into architectural design. It acts at the interface between biology, material sciences and design. The focus is research of smart structures through investigation of key bionic qualities (e.g. resource control, shape control, dynamics control) and structural principles (e.g. folding, enclosing, self-organized growth). The aim is to integrate these mechanisms into a comprehensive design and construction process and develop new buildings systems using digital algorithmic design tools, rapid prototyping and robotic manufacturing.
Parametric Design: This workshop is a compact introduction to parametric digital design using Grasshopper for Rhinoceros. The topics include e.g. Optimization - Evolutionary algorithms, Growth processes - iterative design, Adaptive structures - Origami, Interactive Prototyping - Arduino, Robotics, Dynamic physical Modeling - Kangaroo
Unit Leader:
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Wiesenhuetter
Tel.: +49 351 463-32210
HE/VE Bionic Design Botanical Garden TU Dresden
Cooperative workplaces and buildings should serve the purpose of cooperation and, at the same time, they also have to be ‘cooperative’ towards their inhabitants and visitors. They should (re)act independently after having identified certain conditions, diagnose problems, provide information, and establish linkage between people. Simply, they should offer ‘help’. Cooperative buildings should have a capacity to adapt to changing situations and provide context-sensitive information, based on knowledge about past and current states or actions and, if available, about plans of the users. This vision not only impacts strongly on future knowledge work environments, but also poses eminent design challenges, as a multiplicity of perspectives need to be integrated.
The lab unit Cooperative Workplaces and Buildings tackles these problems with an interdisciplinary approach: the unit leader is work and organisational psychologist with a strong research background in information and communication technology. The intended projects will integrate architecture, informatics and work place design in order to fullfill the presented vision.
Research: studies on the impact of innovative work environments on knowledge workers,
Consulting: reviews, state oft he art reports, feasability studies, creativity methods, meeting
Design: intergrated creation of work places and buildings: furniture, hardware, software, work processes
Unit Leader:
Dipl.-Psych. Torsten Holmer
+49 351 463-32210
None up to now (Unit is founded in February 2016)
Holmer, T. (2016). Cooperative Buildings and Creativity. IFKAD 2016.
Holmer, T. (2016). Kooperative Gebäude in der Stadt von morgen. INNTERACT 2016.
Further Links:
The WISSENSARCHITEKTUR Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture conducts research and design work for the cities of tomorrow. In 21st century, the world population has entered urban age: the majority of people live in cities, their percentage still increasing. Fast urbanization and swift technological advance pose new challenges to urban architecture, city development and regional planning. There is a growing need for visions how to purposefully shape the development of complex urban systems. New information and communication technologies on the one hand, new methods of human integration and participation on the other, but provide a rich backdrop for progressive urban concepts. Within this scope, our lab designs collective environments for urban development, urban business models, and crowdsourcing tools that effectively support city life and society. As a boost to the lab´s activities in urban research, the “Future City Project Factory” was established in 2016, a systematic pipeline procedure for the creation of collaborative projects and ventures.
* Future Visioneering (Workshops, Tools)
* Urban Business Modelling (Workshops, Consulting)
* Co-Design Tools, e-Participation (Workshops, Tools)
* Smart City Competence Mapping / Technology Matching (Tools, Workshops)
Unit Leader:
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Rainer Noennig
+49 351 463-32210
* U_CODE Urban Collective Design Environment, EU Horizon2020 2016-2018 (co-ordinator)
* QUARTER 4.0 OFFENBACH Culture Foundation of German Industries 2015-2016 (participant)
* DRESDEN OPEN CITY, German Future City Competition, 2015-2016 (partner)
* ARRIVAL CITIES, EU Urban Act Program, 2016-2018 (partner)
* SYNCITY Smart Concepts for Cities, Buildings, Infrastructures, TUD Intl. Summerschool 2014 (director)
* SMART CITY Disaster Resilience and Mitigation, NATO Science for Peace and Security Program 2013 (partner)
*Model Project Smart City Dresden, BMWSB, 2022-2026 (scientific leader)
Further Links:
Arrival Cities
Zukunftsstadt Dresden
NATO Disaster Resilience
Modellprojekt Smart City Dresden