Häusele, Benedikt
Diploma Thesis:
Quantitative and Qualitative System Analyzes for Suitable Movement Systems in Concrete 3D Printing
Benedikt Häusele
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Krause
Editing Period:
18.09.2020 until 02.03.2021
In this work, movement systems for concrete 3D printing suitable for construction sites are investigated. The focus here is on the question of whether and which of the movement systems found in practice would be common for such an application. This was discussed through qualitative and quantitative analyses. For this purpose, all construction equipment of the BGL was first filtered and then transferred into a systematisation system. The criteria of the system capture characteristics that are suitable for an assessment of suitable movement systems. The systematised equipment was then given points and ranked. This showed that devices with a high range of motion, mobility and manoeuvrability were ranked at the top. From these devices, three were finally selected and then compared with a gantry printer and mobile robot arm. This comparison took place by calculating the device costs in different scenarios. The scenarios used were a single-family house, an apartment building, an earth wall and a pedestrian bridge. For this purpose, cost rates were first determined, which are used for the calculation of unit prices. Then the scenarios were calculated for each unit. Finally, the final results were summarised and compared. This provided information on the economic efficiency, interrelationships of the equipment characteristics and the suitability of traditional construction equipment. This showed that the truck-mounted concrete pump is an extremely economical application as a movement system for concrete 3D printing suitable for construction sites.