Mähler, Lisa-Marie
Diploma Thesis:
Comparison of the realisation costs of adaptive building structures
Lisa-Marie Mähler
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Charlotte Dorn
Editing Period:
22.04.2021 until 22.09.2021
In addition to the necessity and importance of the adaptivity of buildings, the existing types of use are presented and examined for their applicability and relevance in the object planning of adaptive buildings. For the further investigations, conventional building structures were derived on the basis of the reference building from the research project P 1118 "Influences of steel and composite construction on the life cycle costs and marketability of multifunctional office and commercial buildings". Based on the findings from these considerations, the realisation costs for an adaptive building and a conventional building in the use selected in the first consideration were determined. Finally, a comparison of the calculated realisation costs was made, which gives an insight into the economic efficiency and economic quality of adaptive buildings compared to their conventional counterparts.