Mikulla, Alexander
Diploma Thesis:
Market analysis for the application of the electric-impulse-process (EIV) in the con-struction industry
Alexander Mikulla
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Hammel
Editing Period:
02.10.2020 until 02.03.2021
In this paper, demolition equipment is identified for which a substitution of the mechanical loosening effect by the EIV is technically conceivable and economically reasonable. Based on the framework conditions of demolition work in the different construction sectors - road construction, civil engineering, underground construction and building construction - the procedures are identified that appear to be the closest to the EIV's mode of operation. This is followed by extensive analyses of the construction industry segments in order to determine the economic potential of the work relevant to EIV. The market analysis of selected demolition equipment is carried out on the basis of the findings. The types of equipment examined are limited to diamond drilling and diamond sawing technology, as well as small and medium-sized hand-held demolition equipment. Based on the price comparison of the selected equipment and the associated market volumes generated by a bottom-up process, the market sizes associated with the equipment and the maximum capacities of this equipment, its market potential, are forecast. The conclusion evaluates the findings of the work and develops a recommendation for action based on a SWOT analysis. The outlook of the work deals with the critical questioning of the chosen approaches and determines the next steps.