Müller, Peter
Diploma Thesis:
Guide for the development of waterimpermeable constructions
Peter Müller
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Martin Krause
Operational Supervisor: Karsten Flechsig, Wolff & Müller GmbH
Editing Period:
17.09.2020 until 17.01.2021
In this thesis, the planning and execution of WU constructions is analysed. A comprehensive information base is first created by researching the relevant literature and standards and taking into account the current state of the art. In the process, frequent construction and execution errors are evaluated and appropriate countermeasures are pointed out. In addition, an economic comparison of joint sealing systems is made. As a result of this work, a guideline will be developed that will serve as a decision-making aid in the planning and execution of waterproofing constructions in the future.