Rabemananjara, Tobias
Diploma Thesis:
Project conception of basic infrastructure projects in Mali and Niger
Tobias Fahamaro Rabemananjara Güthler
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Romy Adam
Operational Supervisor: M.Sc. Jan Moellmann, Africa Greentec AG
Editing Period:
30.06.2020 until 23.11.2020
Africa GreenTec (AGT) is a German company that builds and operates minigrids in Mali and Niger. AGT's Solartainer is a prefabricated solar power plant. The aim of the thesis is to develop an evaluation system to identify potential villages that can be sustainably electrified with the Solartainer. The system should be scalable, cost-effective and applicable by different teams working in different locations. The first step will be an analysis of existing methods used by AGT and other market participants. Based on this, a digital assessment system will be developed for AGT in three phases. Phase 1 consists of a remotely feasible investigation using publicly available data such as OpenStreetMap and HRSL (High Resolution Settelment Layer). Statistical methods are used to estimate the potential electricity consumption for all non-electrified villages in a country based on the indicators of population density, distance to water points and agricultural production, and an initial list of villages of interest for AGT is drawn up. In phase 2, the economic and social conditions as well as the willingness to electrify the village with the help of AGT are assessed on site. The third phase consists of a survey of all potential customers to ensure that their electricity needs match AGT's electrification system. As a result, guides for the three phases of site selection and associated tabulated scoring systems have been developed to assist electrification company project developers in preparing feasibility studies for the electrification of villages and communities in countries such as Mali and Niger.