Witkowski, Lucy
Diploma Thesis:
Calculation of low tech buildings without a heat supply system
Lucy Witkowski
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Carolin Senkel
Editing Period:
13.04.2021 until 13.08.2021
In the thesis, the thermal simulation of low-tech buildings is investigated. The focus was on the implementation of the building simulation within the software NANDRAD. The office building "2226" by Baumschlager Eberle Architekten was selected as an example building for the thermal simulation. Here, the correct representation of the thermal storage mass and the natural ventilation is crucial for success. After the core points of the energetic building concept had been worked out, the geometric and physical building model could be created. The graphical user interface of the BIM HVACTool programme was used for an efficient and user-friendly working method. With the help of several simulations and interim adjustments, the simulation results were matched to the measurement results of the real building. The most similar values were achieved by integrating CO2-dependent ventilation and night ventilation and simulating long periods of use for the lighting in winter. By evaluating and interpreting the results, it was possible to prove that NANDRAD is able to simulate the passive mechanisms of low-tech buildings. However, the comfort of the building could not be thermally verified. Detailed test simulations with other programs would be beneficial in order to be able to make a recommendation for the building simulation of low-tech buildings.