Heindel, Philipp
Diploma Thesis:
Potentials of modular construction for adaptive building structures
Philipp Heindel
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
17.09.2021 until 17.01.2022
In this work, the topic of reuse of building elements was investigated from building planning to deconstruction. Recycling was analysed on the basis of real waste quantities in order to be able to start for reuse at the points where recycling has not been effective so far. As a basis for optimisation, boundary conditions were derived from the reuse practised in the private sector that enable the reuse of building elements. These boundary conditions were supplemented to form a coherent system using the latest technology, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and material registers. In addition, boundary conditions were developed that can serve as a planning basis for new construction projects in order to maximise the effectiveness of subsequent reuse. Based on the boundary conditions, potentials were worked out with the help of data from a pilot project. These potentials include economic, ecological and social aspects. The focus is on reducing CO2 emissions. All listed potentials were worked out under the condition of the recyclability of the construction elements. Practical examples show that reuse can already be competitive.