Jahn, Alexander
Diploma Thesis:
Analysis of the life cycle costs of carbon concrete components
Alexander Jahn
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Romy Wiel
Editing Period:
21.04.2022 until 25.08.2022
Geopolitical events, the scarcity of finite resources and ecological climate factors are leading to a rethink in the construction industry. Carbon concrete, as a new type of composite building material, is to replace reinforced concrete as a proven building material in some areas of application. In order for this situation to become reality, numerous investigations have to be carried out in the field of carbon concrete. This diploma thesis is to present, analyse and evaluate the life cycle costs of components made of carbon concrete under the consideration of possible future scenarios. For this purpose, a basic analysis of the material surrogate carbon concrete is carried out at the beginning, in which the two composite partners, the carbon reinforcement and the concrete matrix, are examined separately. Special features are presented and advantages and disadvantages compared to reinforced concrete are shown. This is followed by the creation of a life cycle model, which forms the basis for the subsequent life cycle cost analysis. Part of this model is the definition of the period under consideration and the scope of the investigation. By selecting suitable cost approaches for the individual items of the cost comparison calculation and the selection of various components to be examined, the life cycle costs are established. Subsequently, the data security is considered and detailed options are shown. In addition, various cost parameters are adjusted in the aforementioned development scenarios and the effects on the overall cost development are evaluated. Finally, including a qualitative evaluation of the utilisation phase, an economic efficiency statement is made for components made of carbon concrete.