Novaceska, Rafaela
Diploma Thesis:
Possibilities for the contractual consideration of weather-related hindrances in construction contracts
Rafaela Novaceska
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Friedjörg Vollmer
Operational Supervisor: M. Sc. Martin Morgenstern, Hentschke Bau GmbH
Editing Period:
19.07.2021 until 03.03.2022
The aim of this work is to optimise the contractual and calculatory consideration of weather-related influences on the basis of long-term weather data and legal room for manoeuvre in the construction contracts of Hentschke Bau GmbH and to draw up recommendations in this regard. For this purpose, the legal situation according to VOB/B as well as relevant court rulings are examined in order to discuss the initial situation and identify room for manoeuvre. As part of the evaluation of long-term weather data from the German Meteorological Service, parameters are defined and evaluated that allow the days to be categorised into different levels of obstruction. These enable the calculation of productivity losses as well as a reading of the site-specific, usual weather-related influences. Based on the findings and data obtained, concrete examples and recommendations for the contractual consideration of these are drawn up. Furthermore, the effects of weather-related productivity losses on the calculation of construction services are highlighted and illustrated by means of examples.