Rudert, Pascal
Diploma Thesis:
STLB-Bau „LB000 Baustelleneinrichtung“ – Analysis and content restructuring
Pascal Rudert
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Janik Mischke
Editing Period:
21.04.2022 until 25.08.2022
This paper deals with an analysis of the current content of the STLB-Bau and its restructuring. The focus is on the service area LB000 - construction site equipment. This is analysed in terms of its intuitive usability and the existence of an intuitive and clear structure. Furthermore, the contents are checked for topicality and completeness. Different possible approaches and practical examples are compared and a restructuring proposal is developed from the results. In addition, selected items are revised in terms of their description and selection options. In a further consideration, the meaningfulness of merging the service areas LB000 - construction site equipment and LB090 - construction logistics is discussed. After the analysis and elaboration of a system for the separation of the contents of these service areas, a merger proposal is presented as a result. The restructuring proposal generates a clearer and uniform structure for LB000. By revising individual items, their topicality and completeness will be checked and supplemented.