Schiffgens, Thiemo
Diploma Thesis:
Potentials of modular construction for adaptive building structures
Thiemo Schiffgens
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Charlotte Dorn
Editing Period:
19.05.2021 until 19.02.2022
Due to their rigid structures in combination with long service lives, buildings have difficulty in keeping up with the constant changes in their environment. Climate change, lack of raw materials, demographic development and the effects of the currently prevailing corona pandemic are only the most pressing challenges they have to face. If they fail to do so, properties that are no longer marketable will be threatened with vacancy, decay and, ultimately, demolition. Since in this context the economic useful life differs significantly from the technical useful life, this results in a waste of ecological, economic and temporary resources. This must be avoided! However, optimising the construction process alone can only have limited success. In order to obtain a comprehensive approach, not only modular building methods but also adaptive building structures are examined for the relevant properties and considered holistically. This holds additional potential, but also has construction-related limitations, which will be derived and evaluated in the further course of the work.