Weidner, Elena
Diploma Thesis:
Liability issues in the event of damage to properties caused by adjacent construction work
Elena Weidner
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Veit Klopfer
Editing Period:
23.05.2022 until 26.09.2022
Construction measures can have a variety of negative influences on directly adjacent properties. The responsibility for compensating the neighbour is usually disputed and can lead to far-reaching legal disputes. In order to avoid various damages to the respective stands, thorough precautions and measures must be taken from the beginning of the planning phase until the completion of the construction work. This thesis takes a comprehensive look at the most important terminology and the current legal situation for liability issues in the case of damage to property caused by adjacent construction measures. Practical examples are used to illustrate current court rulings, which reflect the complexity of the legal situation. Common construction methods and the use of large equipment are also analysed in terms of their risk potential for neighbouring buildings. Furthermore, the elaborated guide for construction managers provides a step-by-step overview to avoid possible damages in the construction process and thus increase the probability of a successful construction project.