Gries, Elena
Diploma Thesis:
Parameter investigation of the life cycle assessment of adaptive building criteria
Elena Gries
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Charlotte Dorn
Editing Period:
27.01.2023 until 07.06.2023
In this paper, the relationship between LCA and the adaptivity of buildings is investigated. This is done with a parameter study based on a reference building. First, the criteria of adaptivity are defined and analyzed, which have an impact on the building structure. The criteria "Clear room height", "Building depth", "Vertical access", "Heating" and "Ventilation" are then considered in more detail. For each criterion, parameters are defined that are integrated into the reference building. For each of these adapted building models, the life cycle assessment and the degree of adaptivity are calculated. The evaluation and interpretation of the results show that the criterion "heating" in particular has a strong impact on both the life cycle assessment and the adaptivity level of the building. The criterion "vertical access" has the least strong impact on the LCA among the criteria investigated.