Mailley, Antoine
Diploma Thesis:
Analysis of quality management in the stationary industry for applicability to concrete 3D printing
Antoine Mailley
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Maiwald
Editing Period:
14.11.2022 until 23.01.2023
The work aims to introduce a quality management system for 3D concrete printing on the construction site. As the technology is still very new, the process is not yet mature, in contrast to the stationary industry. In order to industrialise the process, a management of the different resources has to be developed: Human resources and materials. Quality control is an essential part of the process. To achieve this, an overview of the state of the art in the stationary industry will be made. The industry that has more experience with 3D printing is already developing automated factories to add additive manufacturing to their historical processes. The automotive industry then serves as the basis for the development of our own quality management system. This is based on lean management according to the DMAIC method (6 Sigma). The influencing parameters and risks/hazards are described in detail to form the basis for a control plan.