Miller, Dennis
Diploma Thesis:
Effects and consequences of disturbed construction processes in building construction
Dennis Miller
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Jahn
Editing Period:
12.12.2022 until 17.05.2023
The planning and implementation of building construction projects require careful organisation and coordination of various actors and processes. organisation and coordination of various actors and processes. An interruption or disruption of these processes can have negative effects on the construction progress, the construction quality and the costs of the project. Current disruptions such as the Ukraine war or the Corona pandemic clearly show the effects of disruptions in the construction process. the construction process. This diploma thesis is intended to help recognise disruptions at an early stage and counteract them. In doing so, relevant standards as well as other relevant regulations and, on the other hand, production and utilisation costs are explained. In the context, the theoretical foundations of the building construction industry in Germany are presented and various tasks of clients and contractors are explained. The focus of the elaboration is on the assessment of risk areas of the employer. At the Finally, the findings are discussed and critically examined.