07.-11.03.2016 - Vorträge im Rahmen der GAMM Jahrestagung in Braunschweig

GAMM - Gesellschaft für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
- Vortrag "Modeling residual stresses in arterial walls based on anisotropic growth" von Anna Zahn und Daniel Balzani
- Vortrag "A computational two-scale model for the simulation of micro-heterogeneous low-alloyed TRIP-steels" von Ashutosh Gandhi, Stefan Prüger und Daniel Balzani
- Vortrag "Some basic ideas for the simulation of wave propagation in microstructures using proper orthogonal decomposition" von Yannick Francis Fangye, Wolfgang Weber, Daniel Balzani und Bernd W. Zastrau
- Vortrag "Extending the classification of devices in single-degree-of-freedom vibrating systems" von Andreas Franze
- Vortrag "Notes on a novel finite element for anisotropy at large strains" von Nils Viebahn, Jörg Schröder, Peter Wriggers und Daniel Balzani
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