Jun 21, 2024
24/06/21 - Christian Krüger successfully defends his PhD

Prof. Herle, Dr.-Ing. Christian Krüger, Prof. Löhnert, Prof. Franze
On Friday afternoon, Christian Krüger successfully defended his dissertation "Extended Phase-Field Method (XPFM) for the Simulation of Fracture and Fatigue Processes" with distinction. Congratulations!
The meeting room in August-Bebel-Straße was well filled and everyone present followed the explanations of modern numerical methods for the efficient simulation of fracture and fatigue processes with great interest.
The doctoral committee included: Chairman Prof. Dr. Ivo Herle, reviewers Prof. Dr. Stefan Löhnert, Prof. Dr. Laura de Lorenzis (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Dr. Markus Kästner, as well as Prof. Dr. Andreas Franze (HTW Dresden) as an additional member. Prof. de Lorenzis and Prof. Kästner were connected online.