2019 BMWi - ZIM: Epoxy resin for optimizing the asphalt layer bonding
New development of an epoxy resin-based construction material for optimizing the bonding effect between asphalt layers, especially for maintenance and renewal measures
Subproject: Investigation of epoxy resins with regard to the material properties, the layer bonding effect as well as the bending tensile behavior and analytical determination of the effects on the predicted service life of the asphalt pavement.
Project staff
Dr.-Ing. Markus Clauß
Dipl.-Geol.-Ing. (FH) Bettina Gerowski
Contracting authority
Ferderal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
Support program
Central Innovation Program for small and medium-sized enterprises
Project period
12/2019 - 12/2022
Project executing agency
With the increasing importance of the maintenance of the existing traffic infrastructure, ensuring a sufficient layer bond between the asphalt layers is becoming the focus of research work. In recent years, it has become apparent that a durable bond between layers is very difficult to achieve when conventional bitumen emulsions are used as binders between asphalt layers, especially during maintenance work.
The objective of the proposed research project is the development of a new epoxy resin-based construction material to permanently ensure or increase the bond between asphalt layers in new construction and maintenance measures. In addition to investigating the material properties of epoxy resin and environmental and health aspects, the project also includes the further or new development of the necessary machine technology for application and an assessment of the economic viability. In addition, the shear modulus-temperature functions, the fatigue properties and the flexural behavior of the layer package are being investigated.