39th International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries (EM 39)
(12 January - 13 July 2016)
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Bangladesh | Bolivia | Cameroon | China | Colombia | Egypt |
Ethiopia | Ghana | Guatemala | Guyana | Iran | Madagascar |
Myanmar | Nepal | Nigeria | Paraguay | Senegal | Sri Lanka |
Syria | Vietnam | Zimbabwe |
Mr. Hisham Mohamed Abdelgawad

Mr. Hisham Mohamed Abdelgawad
Country of origin: Egypt
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: International Development and Cooperation Officer, Ministry of Environment, Egypt (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: M.Sc. International Development and Cooperation
►To handle the environmental protection and management matters in the frame of the international cooperation and development within the partner countries and international organisations;
►Policies and legislation setup;
► suggesting fields of cooperation with the Egyptian government.
Ms. Mehri Sadat Alavinasab Ashgezari

Ms. Mehri Sadat Alavinasab Ashgezari
Country of origin: Iran
Workfield: Industrial Waste Management
Position while attending the course: Senior Expert for Industrial Waste at Iranian Department of Environment
Academic background: M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Health, Safety and Environment)
► Tasks in environmental protection;
►planning, management for best practices development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of waste management practices at national level;
► Evaluation, improvement and development of the regulatory frame work of industrial waste management.
Mehri Alavinasab Ashgetari is working as a senior expert at the Bureau of Water and Soil at the Department of Environment in Iran. She is involved in the coordination of activities in industrial waste management at the national level. Furthermore she is concerned with issues related to the integration of waste management into development planning in Iran, supporting partners in legal and political reforms, networking and related to initiatives on national and regional level, information sharing mechanisms and capacity building.
In her professional context, Mehri expected the Fellowship Programme to be the best opportunity for her to deepen her knowledge on modern institutional approaches, governance and technical solutions on nuclear high level waste, as well as to improve her skills for facilitating complex discussions. She was distinguished for her Final Paper entitled "Intersectoral Approach for Enhancing Safety and Environmental Management of High Level Waste within Iran Nuclear Program" written during the course.
Mehri was awarded with a Research Fellowship by the Japan International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT) in 2008. In the last years, she has been actively engaged in the development of intersectoral approaches for enhancing safety and environmental management of the HLW Initiative for the Iran nuclear program and presented the result of the study in the scope of the Environmental Management course hosted by CIPSEM. This work was also awarded for improving the situation in her country.
Mr. Gabriel Emmanuel Amona

Mr. Gabriel Emmanuel Amona
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Training Development Officer at Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Conservation Biology
► Conduct training needs assessment for organisations to identify performance skills gaps;
►Design, develop andimplement training courses and workshops;
► Conduct industrial and environmental researchand training activities;
►Provide consultancy services on industrial and environmental concerns.
Ms. Diep Yen Nga Dang

Ms. Diep Yen Nga Dang
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Lecturer and researcher at the University of Science Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Technology and Management
► Teaching courses in the environmental science program, e.g. microbiology and environmental ecology courses;
►Research at my University and other organisations.
Diep Yen Nga Dang is a lecturer at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the University of Sciences of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her subjects for teaching and researching are Environmental Ecology, Applied Microbiology in Environment and Environmental BioChemistry. Besides, she has done research at her University and other organizations related to the Environmental Technology and Management (ETM) field.
Diep applied at CIPSEM because the course offered the best opportunity to improve, support and update her in-depth knowledge about the field of Environmental Management and Environmental Technology which is related to her background as well as to her career.
After her degree in Biology Diep followed a M. Sc. program in Environmental Technology and Management. Besides research, teaching and advising undergraduate students she also took part in planning environmental courses and field programs and participates in other research activities at external institutions such as various Vietnamese Organizations.
Ms. Maria Del Rocio Grommeck Pereira

Ms. Maria Del Rocio Grommeck Pereira
Country of origin: Paraguay
Workfield: National company
Position while attending the course: Chief of the Environmental and Social Management Unit at The Company of Sanitary Services of Paraguay
Academic background: M.Sc. in Sciences of the Universe, Environment, Ecology - Hydrology, Hydrogeology
►To ensure the adequate environmental and social performance of the company;
►To coordinate the environmental and social aspects of infrastructure projects during the planning and execution phases.
Maria Del Rocio Grommeck Pereira is working since 2008 first as a member and then as the team leader of the Environmental and Social Unit/Department of the Company of Sanitary Services of Paraguay. The company is the largest provider of water and sanitation services in the country. Her current main task is to coordinate the environmental and social aspects of the existing water and sanitation systems as well as those of planned and ongoing infrastructure projects according to the national legislation and the environmental and social safeguards of the international technical and financial cooperation agencies that collaborate with the company. Furthermore she also develops the environmental impact assessment studies and environmental audits of the company.
Rocio wished to participate in the EM39 UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course to have the rich experience of learning and sharing side by side with environmental professionals from all over the world, to enhance her knowledge and to gain training in a wide range of environmental issues, since she has worked for long term in only one aspect of the environment: water management. The course helped her to see global and local environmental problems from diverse perspectives (politically, culturally and scientifically) and to develop her interest in the field of environmental science-policy interface and governance, having now the desire to professionally orient herself into this direction.
Mr. Binod Das Gurung

Mr. Binod Das Gurung
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: Environmental Education (National NGO)
Position while attending the course: Programme Officer at Center for Educational Policies and Practices (CEPP)
Academic background: M.A. in Anthropology
► Provide trainings to teachers on environmentmanagement for enhance knowledge of students, organize awareness activities;
►Planning, implementation and monitoring of the project, overall office management andadministration, staff, fund and programme management;
►Coordination of all stakeholders.
Binod Das Gurung is working as a programme officer in a national Non Government Organization named Centre for Educational Policies and Practices (CEPP) in Nepal since two years. His main responsibilities within this NGO are among others training and counseling of teachers, students and parents for proper local resource use and environmental management, general awareness raising for environmental issues, planning, implementation and monitoring of the project, conduction of meetings and workshops, coordination of stakeholders and the public reporting and presentation of the programme.
In his professional context the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB fellowship programme was the best opportunity for him to deepen his knowledge on the importance of Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Behaviour in Solid Waste Management and overall environmental management.
In his previous career, Binod has been actively engaged in different development initiatives in Nepal and has plenty of work experience as scientist and researcher, teacher, and consultant. During his professional career he has furthermore gained coordination and management experience in numerous programmes and projects among others in the fields of climate change, agriculture, human rights of indigenous Nepalese people, development, and disaster management.
Mr. Isaac Hokonya

Mr. Isaac Hokonya
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Workfield: Food Security and Livelihoods
Position while attending the course: Program Manager Food Security and Livelihoods at Factor of Hope (local NGO)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Management of Development with specialization in Rural Development and Food Security
►Design, planning,implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the food security and livelihoods projectinterventions such as conservation agriculture, agroforestry and natural resource management;
►Budgeting of all project activities;
►Preparation, performance management as well as representing Factor of Hope in meetings.
Isaac Hokonya is responsible for interventions of the Food Security and Livelihoods Project in all stages from design to monitoring and evaluation. He is also responsible for the preparation of project proposal documents and the contact to local and international donors, the performance management including coaching and mentoring of project staff as well as the setting and reviewing of key performance areas (KPAs) for staff in accordance with sector and organizational objectives. Furthermore he represents his organization in bilateral and multilateral meetings and workshops.
Isaac applied for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Fellowship because he wished to enhance his knowledge and experience on environmental management. Retrospectively he managed to gain knowledge and experience on various environmental topics and issues through lectures from renowned university professors and other experts, as well as through interaction with participants from different countries.
In his earlier career, Isaac worked about four years as a Project Advisor for Livelihoods and Food Security at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Zimbabwe for the Protecting Vulnerable Livelihoods Project (PVLP) funded by multiple governmental donors as well as the European Commission. The program implemented by CRS significantly improved the livelihoods of the most poor and vulnerable households across 12 targeted rural districts in Zimbabwe. Livelihood improvements were noted mainly in food security, due to high adoption (80-100%) of conservation agriculture technology complemented with gains in nutrition and health, income generation, water, sanitation and hygiene.
Ms. Hilina Yohannes Kebede

Ms. Hilina Yohannes Kebede
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Lecturer at Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Academic background: B.Sc. Forestry and Nature Conservation; M.Sc. Climate Change and Development
►Giving lectures, writing proposals and undertakingresearch work;
►Advising and facilitating practical attachmentprograms and research work for students in the university.
After completion of her B.Sc. Hilina Yohannes Kebede worked in a local NGO called “Save the Environment Ethiopia” as an assistant forester and later as an Environmental officer. The NGO is working on environmental education and rehabilitation programs and funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other partnering organizations.
Currently Hilina is working as lecturer at Mekelle University in Ethiopia. Mekelle University is among the highest ranked universities in Ethiopia focusing on academia and research by broadening faculties working in different arenas. She is affiliated to the stream of forestry under the department of land resources and environmental protection. As a part of her job, she is obliged to teach primarily undergraduate students, conduct research and community services. Hilina applied for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course because of the multidisciplinary nature as in her oppinion this is how this discipline should be tought. She found it interesting to see how different people from different cultures come together and work for the better. Furthermore Hilina was awarded with a research grant from the institute of gender and climate change for a research proposal entitled “Climate change impacts, strategies and factors affecting farmer’s capacity to adapt to the changing climate in case of Endamohoni woreda, Tigray region”. She also received an invitation for an oral and poster presentation sessions in international (“Improving food security in the face of climate change”) and regional conferences for a thesis work entitled “Indigenous strategies for climate change adaptation”
Mr. Gerald Lifa

Mr. Gerald Lifa
Country of origin: Madagascar
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Chief of Division of Environmental Assessment at Ministry of Environment, Ecology, Sea and Forests
Academic background: M.Sc. in Hydraulics and Energetic
►To evaluate and assess environmental impact and strategy;
►To promote MECIE degree(Compatibility Investment with Environment);
►To promote pollution control.
Ms. Elon Amanda Mc Curdy

Ms. Elon Amanda Mc Curdy
Country of origin: Guyana
Workfield: Local NGO
Position while attending the course: National Coordinator at Carribbean Youth Environment Network
Academic background: B.Sc. in International Studies
► Advocacy for environmental issues, facilitation training programmes, supervision of the national team and provision of necessary guidance and coaching;
►preparation of the annual work plan;
►Promoting and encouraging civic engagement to ensure young people are aware of environmental policies and strategies.
Ms. Hiba Mohammad

Ms. Hiba Mohammad
Country of origin: Syria
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Member of the National Environmental Engineering at the Directorate of Environmental Affairs
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering
►Establishment of data on the environmental reality rules;
►Analysis using software to getthe necessary information quickly;
►promote cooperation and exchange of experiences with the ministries and all stakeholders through the collection and creation of databases.
Ms. Su Mon Myint

Ms. Su Mon Myint
Country of origin: Myanmar
Workfield: Nature and Wildlife Conservation with focus on Wetland Conservation (Federal/National administration)
Position while attending the course: Range Officer at the Forest Department
Academic background: B.Sc. in Forestry
►Administration and technical assistance in conservation and sustainable development of wetlands in Myanmar.
Su Mon Myint is working as a Range Officer for the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division (NWCD) at the Forest Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. NWCD is responsible for the implementation of the environmental conservation policy of Myanmar, particularly in biodiversity and the nature conservation sector. She works as an assistant for the activities concerned with wetland conservation in Myanmar as well as migratory birds and their habitat conservation in the Flyway network sites of East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP). She also is concerned with activities related to ecotourism development.
Su Mon applied to the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course to improve her knowledge on Environmental Management which is very relevant to her profession and present occupation.
She is confident that she can use her skills, capacities and experiences as she has improved the concept of new theories, methods, and technologies which can be adapted and applied for the conservation of the natural environment in Myanmar in the future.
Ms. Karimon Nesha

Ms. Karimon Nesha
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Workfield: Federal/National NGO
Position while attending the course: Program Officer at Center for Natural Resource Studies
Academic background: M.Sc. in Desaster Management
► Designing environmental projects and submitting to donors;
►Coordinating the project implementation in the field and with the donor;
►Writing project reports, monitoring and evaluation of project progress.
Ms. Epolle Nyame

Ms. Epolle Nyame
Country of origin: Cameroon
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Senior Technical Staff at the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences
► Evaluate environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) reports;
►Monitor and advise developers on the preparation of environmental assessments and audits, the environmental management plans forinfrastructure projects in the energy sector, prior to their submission to MINEPDED.
Ms. Susana Pelaes De La Torre

Ms. Susana Pelaes De La Torre
Country of origin: Colombia
Workfield: Scientific investigation / ecology
Position while attending the course: Assistant Investigator at Instituto Alexander von Humboldt
Academic background: B.Sc. in Ecology
►Implementation of specific activities
necessary for the preparation of technical inputs and recommendations for the delineation of strategic ecosystems (wetland) by the Ministry of Environment.
Ms. Fany Beatriz Ramos Quispe

Ms. Fany Beatriz Ramos Quispe
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: Environmental management
Position while attending the course: Technical assistant for the environment department at the local drinking and waste water company
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering
►Design of a waste management project for two municipalities in Peru.
Fany Beatriz Ramos Quispe worked as a technical assistant in different projects in rural and urban areas in Bolivia, which were mainly addressing the fields renewable energy supply, waste management, waste water management, environmental education, and adaptation to climate change.
Fany is involved in the coordination of the Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association in order to consolidate this institution at the local and national level.
In this context, CIPSEM and the Fellowship Program was an excellent opportunity to extend her knowledge on how environmental management is being run by/in developed countries as Germany and globally in order to improve her skills on local environmental discussions in her country.
Currently Fany is pursuing a M.Sc. course in Environmental Change and International Development at the University of Sheffield in the UK which she started subsequently to the CIPSEM course program.
Mr. Christian Edgardo Saravia Solares

Mr. Christian Edgardo Saravia Solares
Country of origin: Guatemala
Workfield: National/Federal company
Position while attending the course: Research assistant in the Analysis of Environmental Hazards Program at E.R.I.S., Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala; Manager of Environmental Quality assurance at Mediciones Ambientales, S.A. (private company)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Water Resources Management
►To control the wholesystem of the company in which every integral environmental area air pollution, water sewage, noisy electromagnetic field, heat stress, consulting and notification have to
pass to an extend controls of quality ISO.
Christian Saravia works at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala as research assistant in the analysis of environmental hazards program at E.R.I.S. (Sanitary Engineering Regional School). The sanitary engineering program is the only one of its kind in Central America and is supported by the DAAD. Furthermore Christian is the manager of environmental quality assurance at Mediciones Ambientales, S.A., a private company which implements quality process management for pollutants, environmental impact assessment, air & noise pollution and occupational health pollutions. Mediciones Ambientales, S.A. is one of the first and prestigious environmental companies founded in Guatemala working with sanitary engineering issues and consulting some of the most important companies in Guatemala in terms of environmental issues.
Christian applied to the CIPSEM program, because of its reputation of excellence regarding environmental issues and to get more knowledge and experience about environmental management. One of his most important objectives was to learn about the technologies and solutions for environmental problems in Germany and worldwide, and the course offered a large selection of lectures and excursion that he was personally interested to take part in.
Besides his current job, Christian is also an environmental consultant at the environmental ministry of Guatemala. He collaborated with the national commission of normalization at Guatemala to create the first ISO 9612:2009 acoustic-determination of occupational noise exposure, engineering method norm. He is also working to develop a reference method for the determination of particulate matter as PM10 in the atmosphere and was part of the main committee of the environmental trade union.
Mr. Dulip Somirathna

Mr. Dulip Somirathna
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Assistant Commissioner of local government
Academic background: M.Sc. in Organizational Management, Agriculture
►Examining and monitoring;
►Providing relevant advice, guidance and support to local authorities;
►Close supervision and facilitating in solid waste management projects, waste recycling and disposal plants, waste water treatment and environmental conservation.
Mr. Vitus Tankpa

Mr. Vitus Tankpa
Country of origin: Ghana
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Environmentalist at Ghana Energy Commission
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Science
► Build skills and competencies of social,
environmental and technology assessment (SEITA) division staff to better understandand apply environmental approaches, tools and good practices for promotingmainstreaming environment in energy development.
Mr. Mamadou Welle

Mr. Mamadou Welle
Country of origin: Senegal
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Conservator of the Boundou Community Nature Reserve
Academic background: M.Sc. in Business Creation and Project Management
► Implementing both the preservation and the local development plan;
►Managing the staff to reach defined goals;
►Coordinating the response of the different actors involved in the conservation of biodiversity, ecotourism promotion and research.
From a basic forester background, Mamadou Welle has pursued two master degrees, a professional master in project management and a research based master in analysis of wildlife population and fisheries.
Capitalizing more than 15 years of working experiences in conservation and community development he is deeply familiar with issues related to protected areas and poverty alleviation in his country. Through his attendance to the CIPSEM postgraduate course, he gained more insight about wicked problems worldwide, climate change, biodiversity loss, waste management, energy efficiency, to name only a few.
Presently, Mammadou is working as a conservator in the network of the protected areas of the Directorate of the National Parks of Senegal.
Mr. Shiwei Yu

Mr. Shiwei Yu
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Principal Staff Member at Ministry of Environmental Protection
Academic background: M.Sc. in in Environmental Sciences
►Supervision and administration on water pollution with the purpose of prevention and control;
►Supervision of implementation of laws, standards and criteria in water resources management.