41st UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries
Duration: 10 January - 12 July 2018
This 6-month course covers environmental management as an integrated interdisciplinary field. Therefore a broad range of topics is offered. The curriculum is organized in modules comprising issues of global sustainable development, environmental governance, environmental security, environmental economics and accounting, environmental awareness and public participation, applied ecology and ecosystem management, conservation of biodiversity, water management, recycling and waste management, energy for sustainable development, environmental assessment and environmental management systems, cleaner production and products and eco-efficiency, sustainable mobility, sustainable tourism as well as rural and urban land use planning. To provide survival knowledge of the German language a crash course is part of the programme. The lectures are held by professors of Technische Universität Dresden as well as experts from various national and international institutions.
A multitude of excursions to protected areas, industrial plants, public utilities for energy, water supply, waste water treatment, as well as waste recycling and disposal plants, environmental agencies and administrations etc. round off the course. They illustrate environmental problems and give ideas of successfully applied integrated environmental management practices. Participants are required to carry out a profound research on a specific environment related subject and present the results of this research in a symposium at the end of the course.
Participants acquire the ability to develop interdisciplinary strategies for sustainable development and to take appropriate measures for an environmental protection that takes ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects into account.
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Argentina | Armenia | Benin | Bolivia | Brazil | Cambodia |
Cameroon | China | Cuba | Ecuador | Ethiopia | Georgia |
India | Indonesia | Liberia | Myanmar | Tanzania | Uganda |
Ukraine | Uzbekistan |
Ms Josefina Achaval Torre

Ms Josefina Achaval Torre
Country of origin: Argentina
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Comisión Técnica Interdisciplinaria at Secretaría de Ambiente y Cambio Climático Cordoba
Academic background: Environmental Management (B.Sc.)
► As a member of the Interdisciplinary Technical Commission, Ms Josefina Achaval Torre provides a technical evaluation of Environmental Impact Studies presented to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in Córdoba Province.
Ms Alexandra Aguiar Pedro

Ms Alexandra Aguiar Pedro
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Technical Adviser at Municipal Housing Secretariat São Paulo
Academic background: Physical Geography (M.Sc.)
► Monitoring the actions of the Secretariat according to the guidelines of housing policy;
► Guiding the other departments in the construction of plan- ning and monitoring tools;
► Guiding the other departments in the construction of plan- ning and monitoring tools;
► Analysing information for revising the Sao Paulo Municipal Social Housing Plan;
► Promoting institutional collaboration.
Mr Alfred Michael Ahimbisibwe

Mr Alfred Michael Ahimbisibwe
Country of origin: Uganda
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer at Kabale Municipal Council
Academic background: Environment and Disaster Management (B.Sc.)
► Environmental Mainstreaming in the local government;
► Ensuring proper use of natural resources;
► Enforcing environmental compliance;
► Environmental Education;
► Reviewing EIA reports for development projects;
► Managing a CDM project on solid waste composting
Mr Khusniddin Alikulov

Mr Alfred Michael Ahimbisibwe
Country of origin: Uzbekistan
Workfield: Fed./Nat. Company
Position while attending the course: Engineer of the Department for Strategic Planning and Developing Production at AO “Sirdaryo IES” a large scale power plant under the State Joint Stock Company “Uzbekenergo”, a large scale power plant under the State Joint Stock Company “Uzbekenergo”
Academic background: Engineering (M.Sc.)
► Promoting projects for improving energy efficiency in the power plant;
► Conducting technical proposals on applying renewable energy technologies;
► Assessment of energy-economic, environmental and other aspects of existing power units.
Mr Mkhitar Avetisyan

Mr Mkhitar Avetisyan
Country of origin: Armenia
Workfield: Fed./Nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Leading Specialist of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Nature Protection
Academic background: Plant Growing Product Processing Technology (Ph.D.)
► Coordination of activities in the framework of international environmental agreements;
► Monitoring of the national plan of actions;
► Cooperation and coordination of works with different international organizations such as ADB, USAID, KfW, WWF etc.
Ms Vika Ekalestari

Ms Vika Ekalestari
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Wastewater Expert at Ministry of Public Works and Housing Republic of Indonesia Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Academic background: Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (M.Sc.)
►Provide advice on wastewater infrastructure development and management to provincial and municipal governments;
► Formulate national standards on wastewater infrastructure development and management;
► Training of small forest producers in soils;
► Manage loans and grants project on wastewater developement and management.
Mr Eduardo Francisco Esteves Vélez

Mr Eduardo Francisco Esteves Vélez
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Regional NGO
Position while attending the course: Technical Coordinator at Bahia 2000 Foundation
Academic background: Agronomic Engineering (B.Sc.)
► Developing and managing environmental and social projects;
► Supervision and coordination of projects;
► Developing and implementing control systems;
► Reporting to Board of Directors and Assembly Members.
Ms Gabriela de Jesús Fernández Tay

Ms Gabriela de Jesús Fernández Tay
Country of origin: Cuba
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Specialist for Science, Technology and the Environment at Management Unit in Cienfuegos Punta Gorda
Academic background: Sociology (B.Sc.)
► Carrying out the social perception analysis in the Studies of Danger, Vulnerability and Risk;
► Participating in the UNDP International Project “Connecting Landscapes, Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems” as coordinator of the socio-demographic component.
Mr Fisseha Berhe Halefom

Mr Fisseha Berhe Halefom
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Fed./nat. University
Position while attending the course: Lecturer at Mekelle University, School of Civil Engineering Mekelle
Academic background: Hydraulic Engineering (M.Sc.)
► Delivering introductory and advanced level water resources and environmental engineering courses within the university;
► Involved in research activities within the university with focus on community development activities;
► Supervision of final year project papers of the graduating class.
Ms Lourdes Amparo Lares Acero

Ms Lourdes Amparo Lares Acero
Country of origin: Peru
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: National Advisor of Agroecological Markets Development at Red de Agricultura Ecológica del Perú – RAE (Peruvian Organic Agriculture Network), Lima
Academic background: Amazonian Studies (M.Sc.)
► Supporting Peruvian Organic Agriculture Network partner institutions to develop strategies for environmentally and economically sustainable value chains of agro-ecological local markets;
► Promoting agro-biodiversity, defense of food sovereignty, care and conservation of natural resources and promotion of fair markets for organic producers and consumers to overcome rural poverty.
Ms Liu Zhuo

Ms Liu Zhuo
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Professor and Academic Leader of Water Policy Research at Development Research Center of Ministry of Water Resources Beijing
Academic background: Envionmental Science and Engineering (Ph.D.)
► Participating in water policy research for more than ten years in DRC, with involvement in water planning, irrigation management, water resources management and other fields; Has been to most provinces in China to investigate water management.
Mr Maksym Makukha

Mr Maksym Makukha
Country of origin: Ukraine
Workfield: Environmental Policy
Position while attending the course:Technical Expert at NGO "Ekoltava" Poltava
Academic background: Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)
► Consulting local authorities and citizens;
► Working on project CLEEN (Civil society energy efficiency network);
► Involved in development of local environmental plans and the regional sustainable energy action plan;
► Supporting the sustainable development of municipalities.
Ms Francisca Jacob Malembeka

Ms Francisca Jacob Malembeka
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Senior Wildlife Officer-CITES Desk at Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Wildlife Division Dar es Salaam
Academic background: Wildlife Management (M.Sc.)
► Advising the director of wildlife on extraction quotas of species;
► Liaising between the government and individuals who have invested in wildlife farming, zoos and ranches and in particular new establishments;
► Preparing export and import CITES certificates;
► Raising public awareness on conservation and investment/business opportunities in the conservation.
Ms Sandar Myint

Ms Sandar Myint
Country of origin: Myanmar
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Assistant Manager at Myanma Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
Academic background: Forestry (B.Sc.)
► Assistant in implementing the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) Process, including inspection of timber trade companies and communication with EU groups.
Mr Ramoudane Orou Sannou

Mr Ramoudane Orou Sannou
Country of origin: Benin
Workfield: Local NGO
Position while attending the course: Projects Officer at ONG Homme et Developpement (Hd-ONG) Parakou
Academic background: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (M.Sc.)
► Designing projects proposals in the field of agriculture in general and specifically projects on food security and sustainable land management;
► Training in the field of Sustainable Land Management.
Ms Melano Sirbiladze

Ms Melano Sirbiladze
Country of origin: Georgia
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Leading Specialist in Economic Development Division of City Hall of Kutaisi Municipality at City Hall of Kutaisi Municipality Kutaisi
Academic background: Business Administration (B.Sc.)
► Developing projects to support local business growth;
► Building partnerships with business networks;
► Helping to raise public awareness;
► Promote city greening and conduct eco-friendly projects;
► Developing a communication strategy and sectoral strategies.
Mr Emmanuel Nibah Suka

Mr Emmanuel Nibah Suka
Country of origin: Cameroon
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Division Chief for Environmental Inspections and Evaluations at Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, Buea, South West Region
Academic background: International Environmental Law (M.Sc.)
► Environmental inspection and evaluation of classified establishments of forest management units, exploitation sites for timber, agricultural areas, forest reserves, industries, protected areas, degraded forest and landscapes;
► Environmental impact assessments; Writing reports on management options.
Mr Clement Geegbeh Tweh

Mr Clement Geegbeh Tweh
Country of origin: Liberia
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Zone Warden Proposed Grebo National Park at Forestry Development Authority – Liberia Monrovia
Academic background: Biology of Conservation (M.Sc.)
► Leading and coordinating all wildlife monitoring activities in Liberia (Grebo National Park and its communities within zone 1), data management and analysis, report-writing, management of human resources (Communities, rangers and NGOs within the zone), logistics, finances and administration.
Mr Dhruv Verma

Mr Dhruv Verma
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: World Heritage Assistant at UNESCO Category 2 Centre on World Natural Heritage Management and Training for Asia and the Pacific Region, Wildlife Institute of India
Academic background: Environment Management (M.Sc.)
► Undertake research on identified priority areas related to natural world heritage protection and management;
► Preparation of nomination dossier for inscription of a site on the UNESCO World Heritage site list;
► Administer World Heritage related capacity building programs.
Ms Mariela Cecilia Yapu Alcázar

Ms Mariela Cecilia Yapu Alcázar
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: Local university
Position while attending the course: Consultant at Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés San Andrés
Academic background: Biology (B.Sc.)
► Planing and developing activities for the design of strategies for improving the welfare conditions of bovine dairy cattle;
► Supports the implementation of techniques of sowing and harvesting of forage;
► Organizes community meetings to inform on the progress of the project.
Mr Chandara Yem

Mr Chandara Yem
Country of origin: Cambodia
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Technical Officer at Ministry of Environment, General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Department of Inspector and Law Enforcement, Phnom Penh
Academic background: Law (B.Sc.)
► Field work as an inspector of pollution , to ensure strict compliance with environmental legislation;
► Member of a technical working group for monitoring an Environmental Impact Assessment project;
► Assisting the lawmaker and Director-General in drafting laws, policies and regulations;
► Attending workshops, trainings, seminars and meetings with other ministries and stakeholders on issues related to pollution control and Environmental Impact Assessment project proposals.