42nd UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries
Duration: 10 January - 12 July 2019

The participants of the 42nd UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries after the festive opening ceremony at the TU Dresden rectorate
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were a remarkable advancement when adopted by the United Nations in 2015. For the first time, the world committed towards a broad spectrum of common goals ranging from climate action to sustainable economic growth, from life below water to sustainable cities, from ending hunger and poverty to responsible consumption and production, and from reduced inequalities to inclusive industrialization; a clear recognition that the preservation of our biosphere depends on the sustainable stewardship of planet Earth.
In accordance with the SDGs, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMU 6-month course follows an integrated and interdisciplinary approach covering the field of environmental management. The curriculum is organized in modules comprising issues of conservation and restoration ecology, water and atmosphere, soil and land resources, sustainable urban and regional development, waste management and circular economy, renewable energy and energy efficiency. All disciplines are framed by an overarching science-policy interface. The overall approach is aiming on state-of-the art science as well as on its application and practical implementation.The lectures are given by professors of Technische Universität Dresden as well as experts from various national and international institutions. A multitude of excursions are also part of the course to illustrate environmental problems and exemplify successfully integrated environmental management practices. Participants are required to carry out a profound research project on a specific environment-related subject and present the results of this work in a symposium at the end of the course.
Participants acquire the ability to develop interdisciplinary strategies for sustainable development and to take appropriate measures for an environmental protection that takes ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects into account.
Duration: 10 January - 12 July, 2019
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Armenia | Bolivia | Brazil | Burkina Faso | Cambodia | China |
Ethiopia | Ghana | India | Kenya | Mexico | Myanmar |
Nepal | Nigeria | Pakistan | Peru | Philippines | Rwanda |
Tunesia | Ukraine | Vietnam |
Mr Marcio Alvarenga Junior

Mr Marcio Alvarenga Junior
Country of origin:Brazil
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course:Researcher and Environmental Consultant at Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development Research Group Rio de Janeiro
Academic background:Economics (M.Sc.)
► Developing technical reports to help many institutions (government, NGOs and private sector) regarding their policy-making process on the following topics: green fiscal policy, land-use change and climate change, environmental macroeconomics, etc.
Ms Hasmik Barseghyan

Ms Hasmik Barseghyan
Country of origin:Armenia
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course:Executive Director at Sustainable Energy Development Fund" Foundation Yerevan
Academic background:Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Making sure the foundation accomplishes its goals and objectives, Elaborating mid-term and long-term development strategy, Managing Foundation employees work (up to 10 people), Project Management,Building and maintaining relationships with donors and beneficiaries
Ms Magaly Ines Beltran Siñani

Ms Magaly Ines Beltran Siñani
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: Environmental education, Energy education, Physics education, Consultant in GHG inventories and climate change, project management, renewable energies and solide waste management
Position while attending the course:Professional in GHG inventories for the Mitigation Department, APMT Bolivia
Academic background:Renewable Energies (M.Sc.)
Conformation and monitoring of sectoral platforms regarding the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, Training in technologies that contribute to the reduction of emissions, Planning according to the guidelines of the mitigation mechanism and the APMT, Review and calculation of GHG inventories
I am working as Professional in mitigation to climate change department in the Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth (APMT) in Bolivia. I am involved with Greenhouse gases (GHG) inventories at national level and mitigation strategies in the different sectors involved. Additionally I work with projects related to Renewable energies and wastewater treatment with biodigestor technology.
APMT is the focal point of climate change in Bolivia, and it has three mechanisms: Adaptation, Mitigation and Joint (Forestry issues), this institution is created with autonomy under the Ministry of Environment and Water.
In this context, the CIPSEM program is a good chance for me in order to get involved in integral thinking about environmental management, additionally for the opportunity to exchange experiences with another people in Germany and around the world. This experience will improve my sills as a facilitator and scientific researcher due to the high level of content.
I have been honored with the participation as a fellow in China, Korea and Spain with topics related to renewable energies and climate change, my master degree fellowship was provided by the Sweden cooperation and UMSS partnership. My experience as a consultant in topics related to clean production, efficiency of the process, costs, human resources, water management, renewable energies, GHG inventories and waste water treatment have been done thank you to different opportunities since 2009.
Ms Sreymoch Bun

Ms Sreymoch Bun
Country of origin: Cambodia
Workfield:fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course:Environmental Officer, Ministry of Environment Cambodia
Academic background:M.Sc. of Environmental Management and Development at The Australian National University, ACT, Australia.
Review of EIA's report of proposed projects in Cambodia, member of EIA law enforcement team, Fields visit to evaluate the potential impacts, Produce reports of feedback and comments of the projects to Minister of the Ministry of Environment
I started my job as a government officer since 2013 at the Department of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and recently transferred to Department of Ecotourism, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia. My work mainly is to inform decision-makers with technical knowledge in order to manage natural resources efficiently as well as to improve the living conditions of Cambodian people and the regions. My current works now are to; assist and collaborate with all stakeholders for customary land registrations that related to the development of eco-tourism sites, prepare and provide trainings of the implementation of natural tourism development for all stakeholders, prepare contracts and conditions for managing the implementation of eco-tourism projects within the boundary protected areas, setting and define the boundary and maps for all development of eco-tourism projects, produce reports of progress for supervisors, and responsible of all special tasks assigned by the supervisors.
CIPSEM [EM42] course have provided me with the opportunities to grow professionally and personally. It is not only improved my life-long professional learning to develop new ideas together with, additional skills related to behaviour change for environmental sustainability, and increase knowledge of life cycle assessment thinking for sustainable development. But also helped sharpen my personal skill of learning to live more independently, more environmentally conscious and more resilience to the surrounding environment. Last but not least, CIPSEM course has expanded my professional networks with experts all around the world, especially close relationship with all the participants. We all shared a common feeling that this place is home.
Mr Juan Diego del Castillo Ruiz

Mr Juan Diego del Castillo Ruiz
Country of origin:Peru
Workfield: Urban biodiversity conservation
Position while attending the course: President at the NGO Centro Urbes Lima
Academic background: Biology (B.Sc.)
Represents the organization in two civil society networks and in technical,political and local meetings, Also manages one small project and formulates two others and it’s the main technical and legal advisor of one local organization focused on 'lomas’ conservation
I am president of Centro URBES, a Peruvian NGO composed mainly by young professionals, focused on urban biodiversity conservation with a community-based approach, including research, education, development, and policy advocacy. I coordinate several activities and represent URBES in civil society networks and technical/political meetings regarding urban biodiversity, green areas and public spaces, promoting multilevel collaborative platforms.
In 2012, Centro URBES was finalist of the EcoReto of TIC Americas, in 2014 and 2017 we received recognitions by the Congress of Peru for our activities, and in 2017 and 2018 members of URBES received a National Forest recognition and the National Water Culture Award in the category of Research. In 2016 and 2017 I represent URBES in Latin American courses in Argentina and Colombia regarding sustainable and resilient cities, and youth participation in biodiversity conservation.
My expectations prior to the CIPSEM EM42 course were to deepen my knowledge, capacities, exchange experiences, and do networking. In this context, the course has positively contributed to gain state-of-the-art knowledge and practices, and connect with institutions and specialists from all over the world, especially with my dear fellows, with whom I share values, dreams, and a strong belief in our actions.
Ms Oleksandra Logunova

Ms Oleksandra Logunova
Country of origin: Ukraine
Workfield:reg. NGO
Position while attending the course:Head of Organisation at Sustainable Development Platform Dnipro
Academic background:Electrical and Electronic Engineering (M.Sc.)
Developing the strategy for sustainable development of territories in Donbas and Dnipro region, Participating in the International Project “Assistance in safety improvement of tailings management facilities in Armenia and Georgia”, Promoting projects for green energy
Mr Joseph Kyalo Makau

Mr Joseph Kyalo Makau
Country of origin: Kenya
Workfield:Environmental Management
Position while attending the course:Environment Officer at The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA - Kenya)
Academic background:M.Sc. in Environmental Studies - Environmental Biology
Environmental regulation, licensing and compliance monitoring, Environmental enforcement and compliance promotion, Mainstreaming of devolved environment functions into county governments, Documenting and promoting best env. practices, M&E and State of env. reporting, Support Green growth
I am an environment officer at the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) that is established under the Environment Management and Coordination Act (EMCA, CAP 387) as the Government’s principal instrument in implementation of all environmental policies in Kenya for a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all. I work as a compliance and enforcement officer coordinating the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of genetic resources in the country under the Nagoya Protocol. I’m also involved in coordination of green growth programme that aims at greening Kenya’s development pathway by improving implementation of policy frameworks for environmental management. Currently I’m interested in developing my capacities in circular economy approaches for resource efficiency and environmental safeguards with focus on life cycle assessments, material flow analysis and costing.
In 2017 I was awarded a DANIDA fellowship for a post-graduate training in green and circular economy at the Technical University of Denmark. Recently I have been actively involved in the development of an innovative and dynamic ABS online permitting system for Kenya in collaboration with the GIZ / ABS Initiative and we had the honor to showcase at the Nagoya Protocol COP/MOP 3 side-event #2809 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in 2018.
Mr Walim Mardassi

Mr Walim Mardassi
Country of origin:Tunisia
Workfield: national government
Position while attending the course: Minister's Advisor - Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment
Academic background: Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Strengthening technical, organisational and planning abilities of the ministry in terms of designing and conducting waste treatment projects; Set up of a national orientation strategy for household waste treatment; Looking for ways to improve the management of household wastes.
Ms Urvana Menon

Ms Urvana Menon
Country of origin:India
Workfield:reg. NGO
Position while attending the course:Regional Coordinator - Eastern Himalayas at World Wide Fund for Nature India New Delhi
Academic background:Chemistry (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities:Works with WWF as a regional conservation policy professional and a programme strategist for the Eastern Himalayas, Contributes to the policy space of conservation in India, Nepal and Bhutan with an attempt to optimize sustainability across developmental initiatives of these three countries
Ms Nguyen Thanh Tam

Ms Nguyen Thanh Tam
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield:Fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course:Lecturer and Researcher at Faculty of Environment, University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Academic background:Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)
Teaching subjects are Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, Also teaches in laboratory courses and take part in field program building in environmental field
Ms Nyein Nyein Khine

Ms Nyein Nyein Khine
Country of origin: Myanmar
Workfield:Environmental Conservation
Position while attending the course:Assistant Director at Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
Academic background:Marine Science (M.Sc.)
Manages staff officers and deputy staff officers to finish the tasks on time, Coordinates and cooperates with others government organizations to integrate environmental conservation into the development plan that will implement in all sector
I am working as an assistant director in the policy and legal affairs division of environmental conservation department. I’m involved in the coordination meeting for the mainstreaming of environmental management into the development process of relevant ministries. I also work on environmental education and awareness activities to the public, and capacity building training programme for new born personnel in environmental conservation department. I support to give policy comment in term of environment management for the policy formulation of line ministries.
In this context, the Fellowship Programme is the best opportunity for me to extend my knowledge and to upgrade my skills on modern nature conservation approaches, environmental governance and ecosystem service valuation and economic.
Ms Iquo Bassey Offiong

Ms Iquo Bassey Offiong
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course:Scientific Officer at Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja
Academic background:Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Makes input to deliberations of policy formulations including Science Technology and Innovation(STI) and its implementation, Draft policy on solid waste management - 2017, Also promotes appropriate technical guidelines on sustainable environmental friendly and innovative technologies
Mr Daniel Gyamfi Opoku

Mr Daniel Gyamfi Opoku
Country of origin: Ghana
Workfield:Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course:Research Technician and Nursery Manager at Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
Academic background:Natural Resources Management (B.Sc.)
Assisting and carrying out forest and environmental research on conservation, preservation and management of forest biodiversity and environmental resources, ecological restoration, soil and land management, climate change mitigation and watershed management and manages nursery activities
Mr Nenkompassoboum Alexandre Ouedraogo

Mr Nenkompassoboum Alexandre Ouedraogo
Country of origin: Burkina Faso
Workfield:Forest Inspector
Position while attending the course:Head of the Partnership Department of the National School of Water and Forest
Academic background:Biology and Plant Ecology (M.Sc.)
The mission assigned to us are the search for partners, the consolidation of the partnership network, the planning of the various traning courses, the promotion of the National School of Water and Forests inside and outside the country and the development of projects and seek funding
I work at the National School of Water and Forest at the division of Partnership and Continuing Training. I am the Head of Partnership Department and my task is to develop environmental project and seek funding, the daily management of agreements and Partnership relation signed with the school and the promotion of the school both inside and outside the country. I also teach Biology and environmental education to students at the school and in a private University. Concerning to CIPSEM course program, given that sustainable environmental management is a challenge facing developing countries, this program was an opportunity for my capacity building. In addition, this training would allow me to strengthen my knowledge in environmental management through the curricula oh the program and the sharing of experience with the others participants from the various countries. I have been Head of Departmental Service of environment. I have been also regional planner at the regional directorate of environment. Currently, i am the Head of Partnership department at the National School of Water and Forest.
Mr Ireneo Jr. Silverio Piong

Mr Ireneo Jr. Silverio Piong
Country of origin:Philippines
Workfield:fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course:Development Management Officer at Mindanao Development Authority Area Management Office for Northeastern Mindanao, Butuan City
Academic background: Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Coordinating the priority development projects and programs of the local stakeholders to the concerned government agencies and special bodies as well as in communicating the banner programs of the Authority to the local stakeholders and partners
Ms Saba Raffay

Ms Saba Raffay
Country of origin:Pakistan
Workfield:reg. company
Position while attending the course:Senior Research Analyst - Environment at The Urban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit Pvt. Ltd. The Urban Unit, Lahore
Academic background:Applied Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
Working on strengthening environmental governance in Punjab, improvement in environmental monitoring and assessments, restructuring and capacity building of EPD Punjab, implementation of environmental and social safeguards, Policy design for informed decision
Ms Rocio Patricia Ruelas Fimbres

Ms Rocio Patricia Ruelas Fimbres
Country of origin:Mexico
Workfield:reg. admin.
Position while attending the course:Air Chief of Climate Change Deparment at Comisión de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Sonora Hermosillo
Academic background:Economic Integration (M.Sc.)
On charge of updating the GEI emissions inventory and the public policy of the state climate action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change, also colaborate with international organizations to develop policy programs as a methodology for a voluntary local carbon market
Mr Fiseha Bekele Teshome

Mr Fiseha Bekele Teshome
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Environmental Management
Position while attending the course:Lecturer and researcher at Hawassa University, Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources
Academic background:Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
Teaches courses related to environmental management,environmental laws and policy, EIA, Undertakes thematic and disciplinary research in the area of environmental management and also plans, coordinates and implements community service works, field works and workshops
I am working as a lecturer at Hawassa University Wondo Genet college of Forestry and Natural Resources. My major work task include teaching, research and community service in the area of Environmental management, Environmental impact assessment, water management, waste management, Environmental disaster and risk management. CIPSEM course was important for me to add leadership and experience attributes to environmental management. I learned a lot about the policy, strategic, technical, and socioeconomic instruments of environmental management and most importantly, the course has helped me to believe that I can really contribute and it is possible to change and at least initiate change and mobilize available potential and resources for change. After this course, I strongly believe that, to save our fast deteriorating environment, the most crucial issue is to change our behavior. It starts from us who are experts to believe in change and we need to initiate changes. I no longer believe I am too small or insignificant to initiate change at least in my country thanks to CIPSEM course. I was pioneer African union scholar and I did proposed, plan and implement community service works in Ethiopia to contribute to energy crisis and mitigate climate change. I am active in disciplinary and thematic research activities and have experience of publishing Papers. I have a natural potential and will of promoting and fulfilling my leadership and management skills in Environmental issues.
Mr Kamal Thapa

Mr Kamal Thapa
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield:Climate Change and Protected Areas (Ramsar Site)
Position while attending the course:Project Manager
Academic background:M.Sc. in Environmental Management and M.Sc. in Management of Protected Areas
Local level planning of activities to adapt to climate change and achieve low carbon development, Development of annual work plan and budget and mainstreaming climate change adaptation activities in municipal level planning, Implementation of Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA)
While attending the course, I was involved in the Ramsar Site conservation and management project in Nepal. I was responsible for overall management of the project, donor relation, fund raising, local people mobilization, conservation awareness raising, project activity planning, reporting and co-ordination with government agencies such as Division Forest Office, Division Irrigation Office, Municipality and ward offices for the long-term conservation and management of Ramsar Site.
I attended the course to update my existing knowledge of environmental management and to network and learn from the lecturers and course participants in an international setting. I was also motivated to share my experience with fellow participants and my expectations were met.
Immediately before this position, I was associated with the government of Nepal (Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and Ministry of Forest and Environment) for about three years where I worked as the Environmentalist and Climate Change specialist in two different projects. I had also worked with the international nature conservation organization and my additional work field is protected area management too. Soon, I am pursuing my PhD studies in Australia within the field of Environmental Management for which I am awarded the scholarship.
Ms Liliane Umukunzi

Ms Liliane Umukunzi
Country of origin: Rwanda
Workfield:Local NGO
Position while attending the course:Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Areco-Rwanda Nziza Kigali
Academic background:Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
Implementing and managing the monitoring and evaluation activities, including the coordination of externally conducted evaluations as well as ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the organisation maintains its strategic vision
Ms Zhou Haili

Ms Zhou Haili
Country of origin: China
Workfield:fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course:Director Level Official, Division of Strategic Environmental Assessment, Department of EIA, MEE at Ministry of Ecology and Environment Beijing
Academic background:Science in Geography (M.Sc.)
Reviews and organization activities related to the compilation of Strategic Environmental Assessment Reports covering programmes, regional and sectoral development policies