73rd International Short course on Resource Efficiency - Cleaner Production and Waste Management
(15 November 2017 - 8 December 2017 )
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Bangladesh | Bhutan | Bolivia | Brazil (x2) | China | Colombia |
Cuba | Ethiopia | Ghana | Indonesia | Ivory Coast | Jamaica |
Namibia | Nigeria | Pakistan | Panama | Philippines | Sri Lanka |
Tanzania | Zimbabwe |
Ms Abisola Gloria Abu

Ms Abisola Gloria Abu
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Principal Scientific Officer at Waste Management Division, Environmental Services DepartmentLagos State Ministry of the Environment, Lagos
Academic background: B.Sc. in Microbiology
► Monitoring of scavengers activities;
► organization of waste managementtraining in primary and secondary school in collaboration with the ClimateChange Division;
► together with facilitator, develop and coordinate policiesrelating to waste management, organize town hall meetings in communities etc.
Mr Ofori Acheampong

Mr Ofori Acheampong
Country of origin: Ghana
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Municipal Officer of Department of Community Development-UpperDenkyira East Municipal Assembly
Academic background: B.Sc. in Population Studies
► Representing the regional director at the municipal level andperforming administrative and managerial functions such as staff monitoring, supervision, and capacity building;
► Facilitating development at the rural level.
Mr Eromonsele Akhidenor

Mr Eromonsele Akhidenor
Country of origin: Jamaica
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Research Officer at National Environment and Planning Agency Kingston
Academic background: M.Sc. Natural Resource Management
► Research to determine and report on the types, geographical extent, status and threats to the natural and built environment;
► Providing advice on the status and trends in environmental research, modeling andimpact assessments;
► Providing empirical data to inform national environmental policy.
Eromonsele Akhidenor enrolled to the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course program in order to acquire necessary skills to build a more robust, resource efficient, cleaner production and waste management system for Jamaica. His background spans the fields of Geo-Informatics and Natural Resource Management, Land Use, Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment, Agricultural Disaster Risk, Resource Efficiency, Cleaner Production and Waste Management. Eromonsele's specific interest is in advancing an evidence-based approach in the development of environmental and planning policies that addresses emerging sustainability challenges.
Mr André Luiz Felisberto França

Mr André Luiz Felisberto França
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Environmental quality and control
Position while attending the course: Deputy Director of Post-licensing, Instituto Estadual do Ambiente – INEA (Environmental Agency of Rio de Janeiro State), Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Academic background: M.Sc. in Chemical and Biochemical ProcessesTechnology (Chemical Engineering), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
► Applying knowledge, tools and techniques for effective management in projects related to sustainable waste management, pollution preventionand environmental protection and monitoring;
► providingtechnical subsidies for the elaboration of laws and technical standards.
André Luiz Felisberto França is working as Deputy Director of Post-licensing in Instituto Estadual do Ambiente – INEA, that is the Environmental Agency of Rio de Janeiro State, in Brazil. He provides technical advice in the areas of activity of the Board, which includes the follow-up of environmental licenses, the control of sources of environmental pollution, Waste Management, Cleaner production, Sustainable resource management, Environmental inspection, Environmental quality monitoring, and attendance of technological emergency environmental occurrences with hazardous chemicals. Furthermore, André is responsible for drafting laws, decrees, resolutions and technical standards related to environmental inspection, control and quality,for the coordination/participation in strategic environmental projects for the institution, the elaboration of strategic planning, the coordination, definition and monitoring of the goals of the Board's teams and follow-up of the Individual performance assessments, and the elaboration of the Annual Activity Report, based on the consolidation of the results of the teams that comprise the Board of Executive Officers.
Mr Cássio Araujo de Oliveira Rodrigues

Mr Cássio Araujo de Oliveira Rodrigues
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Solid Waste Management
Position while attending the course: Environmental Analyst, Ministry of Environment
Academic background: BSc. in Environmental Engineering
► Assist and assess the execution of Brazil's National Policy on Solid Waste;
► Analysis of bills regarding solid waste subjects;
► Monitoring of internationaltechnical cooperation projects;
► Training municipalities for solid wastemanagement planning;
► Managing of distance learning courses.
Cássio Araujo de Oliveira Rodrigues is an Environmental Analyst, working at the Department of Environmental Quality and Waste Management, linked to the Secretariat of Water Resources and Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment of Brazil. His duties are related to planning and management activities as well as technical support aiming at the implementation and monitoring of the National Policy on Solid Waste. Càssio perceives the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB training program as an opportunity to have contact with international experts that work with urban and environmental management, including waste management, and finds this a good opportunity to exchange information and discuss the issues and challenges of developing countries. By participating in the program, Càssio intended to achieve the knowledge of the German expertise in sustainable resource management, focusing on solid waste management, considering the successful model implemented in Germany. The topics of circular economy and assessment of the life cycle of products are of his particular interest and he aims to share his knowledge and experience obtained with the course program with the staff of the Ministry of Environment and spread it to the stakeholders of the National Policy on Solid Waste. Càssio also intends to bring an international network for technologies and good practices on solid waste management to Brazil.
Mr Aka Hippolyte Assoumou

Mr Aka Hippolyte Assoumou
Country of origin: Ivory Coast
Workfield: Education for Sustainable Development
Position while attending the course: Program and Sustainability Coordinator at Ballack-Hyper's Holding Yamoussoukro
Academic background: M.A. in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development
► In charge of planning, coordination, budgeting, implementation,supervision, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of all the organization'sprojects;
► Focal point for all sustainability- related projects.
As the focal point for all sustainability-related projects, Aka H. Assoumou’s main tasks include planning, coordinating, budgeting, supervising implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of all the organization's projects. For that purpose, he drafts TORs, reviews the group’s action plans and activities, and provides advisory support to the Management Board on goals, future plans and directions. Ballack-Hyper’s Holding is positioning itself as an authoritative community-based and non-profit sustainability think tank, specialized in education for sustainable community development, with main base in Yamoussoukro - Côte d’Ivoire (and intends to span its activities over the West-African sub-region).
Aka’s participation in the CIPSEM course on “Resource Efficiency – Cleaner Production and Waste Management” has enabled him to learn from the German state-of-the-art expertise and know-how on the topic, professionally developed at TU Dresden. The course content is comprehensive and provides an exceptional exposure to resource efficiency and waste management, as well as vital knowledge on cleaner production, that are essentials for a real sustainable future of communities worldwide, and specifically in developing nations.
In addition to the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course fellowship, Aka had the privilege to be awarded a Fulbright scholarship (U.S. Department of State exchange program) to study sustainable development (social science) at Hawaii Pacific University (Honolulu), and be admitted into the selective and distinguished body of graduates of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Energy Initiative (Summer Institute of Sustainability and Energy). He also received a Mashav award (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel) to study "Local Assets for Economic and Community Development" at the Weitz Center for Sustainable Development, Rehovot (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
Mr Lynn Raul Carranza Mendez

Mr Lynn Raul Carranza Mendez
Country of origin: Panama
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Zero Waste Program Coordinator at Panama City Municipality
Academic background: B.Sc. Waste Management and Water Treatment
► Planing and Design of the new waste recollection system for the city revitalisation.
Mr Andrew Chinyepe

Mr Andrew Chinyepe
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Workfield: Resource Efficient, Green Industry and Environment
Position while attending the course: Senior Research Scientist at Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre/ Zimbabwe National Cleaner Production Centre (SIRDC-ZNCPC)
Academic background: M.Sc. Business Administration; M.Sc. Integrated Water Resources Management
► Coordinating Resources Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP), GreenIndustries, Environmental Audits and Impact Assessments projects;
► Assessingand providing technical advice to the industry and local Facilitates in capacity development programs authorities on waste and water resources management;
► Facilitating in capacity development programs.
Mr Andrew Chinyepe is an Industrial Water Use Efficiency and Environmental Management expert and an UNIDO/University of Bahrain green industries certified professional. He is experienced in Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP), and Environmental Impact Assessments and member of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Zimbabwe. Andrew's institute is a registered member of RECPnet and is responsible for providing industries with technological solutions for sustainable development. In this context, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course program is the best opportunity for him to deepen his knowledge on circular economy, modern waste management and resource efficient practices as well as to acquire technical skills on life cycle assessment and system strategies.
Ms Yeshey Choden

Ms Yeshey Choden
Country of origin: Bhutan
Workfield: Environmental management and services
Position while attending the course: Environment officer in Thimphu
Academic background: B.Sc. Biotechnology
► monitoring and compliance in development projects under EAact 2000 Bhutan;
► Monitoring of water and air related activities;
► Reviewingand assessing project proposals for environmental clearance and maintenance of databases;
► Conducting site visits for field verification of project proposals.
Ms Yeshey Choden is working as an environment officer in Thimphu municipality and has been mostly involved in conducting monitoring and compliance of development projects (public & private) under environment rules and regulations of Bhutan. She also reviews and assesses project proposals for environmental clearance (permits) and maintains a database. Furthermore Yeshey is serving as counterpart to japanese Environment & Sanitation Centre in 2nd phase project on Thimphu municipality solid waste management and is actively involved in creating environmental awareness in primary school level and small scale composting in household level in Thimphu city. Due to rapid urbanization the municipality is under growing pressure in providing a sound management of solid waste. As Bhutan progresses towards aiming for “zero waste” by 2030, it has become a challenging task. Nevertheless, as a developing country, Bhutan can always look up to developed countries in terms of capacity building and know-how on technologies. Yeshey values the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course as a golden opportunity to develop her knowledge and understanding of sustainable solid waste management strategies and disposal systems.
Mr Siegfred Flaviano

Mr Siegfred Flaviano
Country of origin: Philippines
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer at Provincial Government of South Cotabato, Provincial Capitol CMPD, Koronadal City
Academic background: M.Sc. in Tropical Risk Management
► Head of the Provincial Environment Management Office tasked to formulate and implement plans programs and projects on sustainable solid waste management, air pollution control , water quality management, forest and Inland waters management and regulation of small scale mining.
Mr Girmaye Teshome Hailu

Mr Girmaye Teshome Hailu
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Senior GHG Emission MRV Expert at Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate ChangeGHG emission MRV Directorate, Addis Ababa
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Science
► Establish Internal Process and schedule to ensure that the national GHGinventory team produces accurate emission estimates, to ensure incorporation of the inventory in the NC and BUR for submit ion to the UNFCCC and toassist sector leads to prepare and implement sector specific workplans.
Mr Mohammad Monower Hossain

Mr Mohammad Monower Hossain
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Workfield: Industrial Environment
Position while attending the course: Senior Deputy Secretary (Environment), Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association
Academic background: M.Sc. in Development Studies
► Leading BGMEA Environment Cell, and take over all the activities nationalinternational in the area of environmental sustainability and resourceefficiency.
Presently Mohammad Monower Hossain is working as a Sr. Deputy Secretary in BGMEA the apex trade body of Bangladesh garment sector. Prior to that he worked for Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) as environmental counselor in an IFC funded project at Dhaka EPZ and for GIZ, Bangladesh as environmental consultant to implement EU-EMAS in some selected factories. Have a broader overview in the area of RMG and textile sector particularly on environmental sustainability issues. Mohammmed is a certified EMS auditor, chemical management trainer. Freelance writer and contributor to the BGMEA publication named “The Apparel Story” and is working as the head of environment cell in my organization. Focal point of Department of Environment, Government of Bangladesh, member of technical advisory committee of PaCT project, member of textile sustainability platform (TSP). On this backdrop, the Fellowship was a good opportunity for him to learn about policy, technology and management systems and to improve his skills to conduct his current activities more meaningfully.
Ms Randika Anjalie Jayasinghe

Ms Randika Anjalie Jayasinghe
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Workfield: Environmental Engineering
Position while attending the course: Senior Lecturer / Project Coordinator at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Faculty of Technology Gangodawila, Nugegoda
Academic background: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
► Teaching;
► Coordinates and manages the project "Australia-Sri Lankauniversity partnerships to develop community-based waste upcyclingbusinesses".
Randika Jayasinghe is a practitioner, a researcher and an academic who works in the area of waste management in Sri Lanka. Her main interest is on waste upcycling - exploring creative and innovative ways to use discarded materials, particularly non-degradable synthetic materials that are not normally recycled through conventional recycling methods. She is an Australia Awards Alumni and a PhD of the University of Western Australia. Her PhD research focused on the practical feasibility and perceived social impact of an initiative to develop community-based projects for waste management in Sri Lanka. Randika currently coordinates the Australian Government funded project, ‘Australian-Sri Lankan University partnerships to develop community-based upcycling businesses’. She also organized the first “Waste to Art” exhibition in Sri Lanka; an open exhibition that showcased around 100 creative works made out of discarded materials. Randika applied for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Fellowship programme to learn more about new concepts and innovative technologies in waste management, resource conservation and circular economy. During the one month programme, she has got the opportunity to first-hand experience of some of the best practices in waste management in Germany and she hopes to apply this knowledge in her teaching and research.
Ms Sofia Khalid

Ms Sofia Khalid
Country of origin: Pakistan
Workfield: Environmental Sciences
Position while attending the course: Assistant Professor at Environmental Sciences Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University,Rawalpindi
Academic background: PhD in Environmental Biology
► To develop and teach new courses in the environmental sciencesdepartment and to supervise research students for B.Sc., M.Phil and PhDthesis;
► Member of several committees of stakeholders at national levele.g. reviewer for EIA's submitted to Pak EPA .
Sofia Khalid is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Environmental Sciences Department of Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Her main job involves teaching and research on different environmental issues. Currently she is teaching a course on Environmental Management as well as on Waste Management in the university. Waste management is an emerging environmental problem in Pakistan where population is increasing with greater waste production concomitant with space limitations for waste disposal. Sofia was particularly interested in attending the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course because she wanted to know in detail about the updated concepts of waste management as well as new resource efficient methods/technologies for waste management. This course gave her the opportunity not only to learn about Waste management systems of Germany but she came to know about the success stories as well as problems in waste management in other developing parts of the world from her fellow participants in this course. Sofia has supervised and also is currently supervising several projects of B.Sc., M.Phil and PhD students on different environmental issues. She has several publications in peer reviewed journals and is often invited by the ministry of Climate Change Pakistan to different environment related policy meetings.
Ms Christi Findje Mutota

Ms Christi Findje Mutota
Country of origin: Namibia
Workfield: Administration
Position while attending the course: Solid Waste & Sanitation Supervisor at Gobabis Municipality
Academic background: M.Sc. in Public Management
► Oversees and coordinates the effective and efficient operation of the solidwaste management and sanitation department in the Gobabis municipalcouncil, including the daily collection of household and other wasteand dump site management;
► Waste management of Gobabis town.
Christi Findje Mutota is a supervisor for the Solid Waste and Sanitation department within the municipality of Gobabis. Her main duties are to coordinate the effective and efficiency operation of the Solid Waste and Sanitation department in her town, which involves the process of waste management from generating, collecting to disposal. She is also responsible for community education and awareness, as well as information sharing with the stakeholders on waste and general sanitation. Furthermore, she is involved in promoting environmental education on a national level, through NEEN (Namibia Environmental Education Network), which mainly educates youth on environmental issue through information sharing and capacity building. Christie applied for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course because she felt that she needed to be capacitated in her field of work, and through this fellowship she would gain the knowledge she needed to improve the waste management situation in her town and promote the reduction of waste generation as well as recycling of waste in Namibia as a whole. Her current community awareness program aims to educate the community on waste reduction, effected of littering, as well as looking at small scale income generating activities from waste.
Ms Analia Mayte Ricaldez Hurtado

Ms Analia Mayte Ricaldez Hurtado
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: Environmental Management, Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Position while attending the course: Project Engineer at TECAP Global Solutions S.R.L., La Paz
Academic background: Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.)
► Developing and managing projects in the environmental, sustainability,occupational health and safety and energy area, giving clients theeasiest solutions and innovative ideas trying to bring new businessopportunities for the organization.
Analia Mayte Ricaldez Hurtado is working as a Project Engineer developing Energy Efficiency programs, Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Sheets and Environmental Monitoring and inspections in TECAP Global Solutions S.R.L in La Paz Bolivia. She is also involved in occupational health and safety for the company's laboratory and designing the process and procedures to prevent its environmental impact. Analia assists and analyzes services of environmental risk and other services which could give easy solutions to their clients in the private and public sector and in all production activities (mining, oil and gas, industrial, etc.). She also completed a training of sustainability in the supply chain in Brazil in 2013 and received a Diploma in Energy Efficiency in Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. She applied for UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course program to add and change her perspective in sustainability and resource efficiency and to be able to develop and apply this important topic in her country. Analia participated in volunteering as a teacher for children in small schools in environmental education with The Coca Cola Company and currently in a volunteering collective “Reaccion Climatica” for the diffusion and promoting participation of the population in climate change problems in Bolivia.
Ms Agripina Focus Tarimo

Ms Agripina Focus Tarimo
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield: Environmental Science and Management
Position while attending the course: Environmental Scientist at Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT)
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Science and Management
► Conducts Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) awarenessseminars for selected enterprises within Lake Victoria Basin;
► UndertakesRECP training concepts for enterprises within Lake Victoria Basin;
► PreparesResource Efficient and Cleaner Production detailed assessment report.
Ms Agripina Focus is working with Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT) as environmental scientist. Her responsibilities are to promote sustainable consumption and production in industries, hotels and micro enterprises i.e garages, car wash and petrol stations within Lake Victoria basin. This was through promoting resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) such as use of alternative energy sources which reduces costs and pollution free, promoting recycling of waste water and solid waste to prevent pollution and amount of waste to be disposed off. Furhtermore she prepares reports and conducts environmental impact assessment studies for development projects in the country. Agripina applied for the 73rd UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Course on Resource Efficiency - Cleaner Production and Waste Management because she knew it is a great opportunity to spark her knowledge and skills in global perspective as a cross cutting in almost all levels of sustainable development, resource efficiency and waste management issues. Through this course she has equipped with crucial knowledge to be transferred to the management of industries and enterprises who both directly and indirectly foster the economy of her country Tanzania. Agripina is also a registered and certified environmental expert and therefore permitted to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit for development projects in Tanzania mainland.
Ms Deazaskia Prihutami Udianto

Ms Deazaskia Prihutami Udianto
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Urban Settlement Area Development
Position while attending the course: Planning Analyst at Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Academic background: International Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
► Assisting the basic infrastructures development in settlement areas,specifically in support of slum upgrading programs.
Deazaskia Prihutami Udianto works as a planning analyst in the Sub-Directorate of Urban Settlement Area Development of the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing. She is mainly involved in analyzing and formulating strategies for the implementation of slum settlement improvement in the urban areas. In this context, she is responsible for providing technical assistance and training for local government officials and other related stakeholders (provincial, regency, and city level) and is involved in the supervision and monitoring of activities for the implementation of infrastructure development in urban settlements. The UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course program is a perfect opportunity for her, as the representative of her institution, to find better solutions in improving sustainable human settlements. It is also a very valuable experience for her personally as a young professional to learn about appropriate technology for intermediate and final treatment in a waste management system.
Deazaskia was an awardee of Asian Development Bank – Japanese Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) and achieved a master’s degree in the International Environmental Management Program (IEMP), Kyoto University, Japan. At the end of her study, sheI was given the opportunity to present her research on community-based housing at the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (11th ISAIA) in Tohoku University, Japan.
Ms Paola Andrea Vasquez Chaux

Ms Paola Andrea Vasquez Chaux
Country of origin: Colombia
Workfield: University/NGO
Position while attending the course: Adjunct Researcher and Professor at Universidad Autonoma de OccidenteDepartamento Ciencias Ambientales,Cali; NGO Founder and Director
Academic background: Rural Studies (Ph.D.)
► Coordinator of the cleaner production research line in the integrated water research group of the Cinara Institute;
► Lead and support CP projects funded by environmental authorities and other donors;
► Founder anddirector of"Gender & sustainable development".
Mr Alexander Vivar Perez

Mr Alexander Vivar Perez
Country of origin: Cuba
Workfield: Environmental Research
Position while attending the course: Research Assistant at Food Industry Research Institute (IIIA), La Habana
Academic background: Food Science (B.Sc.)
► Research in the branch of treatment of clean waters and waste watercoming from the food processing industry ;
► Propose projects withecological profile and resource management in food production.
Alexander Vivar Perez is researching on optimization and efficient management of the resources used by the food processing industry, mainly water and energy. He occupies a position of research in Department of Industrial Waters and Biotechnology where projects with environmental profile are developed. The department belongs to the Food Industry Research Institute (IIIA) which is directly related to the Ministry of Food Industry (MINAL) in Cuba.
Alexander was selected to participate actively in the Project "Strengthening the Cuban food production and aquaculture sector by optimizing and recovering resources" Europe Aid / 129-780 / L / ACT / CU (DCI -FOOD). Thanks to the knowledge and experience obtained from the project he made an oral presentation in section of food security and environment belonging to the XIII International Conference on Food Science and Technology and the VI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Students of Science and Technology of Food and Gastronomy in Havana.
The UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB program is a great opportunity to deepen and increase knowledge about Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production, and Waste Management. The relationship of the subject with the economy, society and the environment are fundamental pillars in the sustainable development, as well as to improve his skills for decision making.
Ms Xin Zhang

Ms Xin Zhang
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Environmental Protection
Position while attending the course: Investigator at Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China, Beijing
Academic background: Public Finance (B.Sc.)
► Applying for key national projects and programs on environmentalprotection
► Focal point for work related to the development of Western China
► Rise of the Central China, rejuvenation of the old industrial base,and poverty relief.
Xin Zhang is working as an investigator in the Department of Planning and Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection, PRC. The department organizes the development of national programs and plans on environmental protection, participates in the formulation of the outline of national sustainable development, and organizes the formulation of the Report on the State of the Environment in China and Environmental Statistics Annals. According to her background, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course program is a good opportunity for Xin to expand her horizone on sustainable resource use and circular economy, deepen her insight on clean production and waste management, and improvement of her skills on cooperating with relevant departments during program implementation and supervision.