75th International Short course International Short Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries - Sustainable Cities
Duration: 10 October - 02 November 2018
Good environmental governance at global, regional, national and local levels is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embarked by the United Nations. By now, one-half of the world's population is living in urban areas. Already today 70% of the world's urban population lives in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The ecological footprint of cities as an indicator of sustainability continues to grow and demands urgent rethinking of current urban development practices.
The course will focus on the interaction between all stakeholders in Local Agenda 21 processes, implementation of these processes and their impact on the environment. Engineering as well as social, economic and legal aspects will be covered by lectures and seminars. Interactive role-playing and group work will be used to demonstrate the importance of public participation in urban environmental governance. Besides the institutional framework of urban governance, the course curriculum includes modules on technical infrastructure development for energy, drinking water, wastewater, urban ecosystem services, transport and solid waste, as well as housing and spatial planning.
The lectures and workshops are mainly held by internationally renowned professors of Technische Universität Dresden as well as of the Leibniz-Institute of Ecological and Regional Development Dresden (IOER). Site visits and excursions to Berlin and other German cities will demonstrate accomplishments and challenges of urban environmental governance.
Participants are expected to acquire state-of-the-art expertise as well as environmental communication and mediation skills to be able to contribute to a sustainable development of urban communities and their sustainable management in the respective countries.
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Mr Patrick Apraku

Mr Patrick Apraku
Country of origin: Ghana
Workfield: Land Use Planning and Management
Position while attending the course: Ag. Director, Spatial Planning Division, Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority, Ghana
Academic background: Rural Planning and Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
► Formulates national planning policies, standards and regulations and
prepares spatial plans. Review of Environmental Assessment Reports.
Research into urban issues at the National level
I applied for the CIPSEM course on Sustainable Cities to deepen my understanding and knowledge of mechanisms for making cities sustainable in light of the SDGs Goal 11. I sincerely appreciate the fellowship award. I have been part of a team that formulated the National Spatial Development Framework for Ghana and the Regional Spatial Development Frameworks for Ashanti and Greater Accra Regions of Ghana. I also played a key role in the new spatial planning law for Ghana (Land Use and Spatial Planning Act, 2016, Act 925). I am a member of the Ghana Institute of Planners (GIP), the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), and Regional Studies Association (RSA). I am also a recipient of the following awards; Tullow Scholarship Scheme 2011, Danida Fellowship 2009, Sida Fellowship, 2009.
Mr Roberto Auchen

Mr Roberto Auchen
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: Fed-/nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Urban Planner Advisor, La Paz Municipality - Bolivia
Academic background: M.Sc. Urban Planning
Adviser of policies, plans and projects, focused on the projection and
monitoring of regulations, plans and structural projects – all within the
framework of the "Plan 2040".
As advisor in urban issues in the Municipality of La Paz (La Paz City Hall), it is my duty to accompany and reenforce plans formulation processes of organizing land and urban development, as well to organize external and internal events of training, diffusion of plans and urban norms of development. At the same time to support to assess in the environment of the planning and urban design. and to control and to carry out the monitoring procedures in cadastral and land administration as well to maintain control and registration of the procedures, projects, plans and urban design projects. I decided to apply for the Sustainable Cities Course, because it is my intention to encourage cities of Bolivia (beginning with La Paz), to focus and aware about climate changes and the consequences of many cities are going in their growth. Advice with all the knowledge learned, and from the experience of my course and different realities and contexts from colleagues. Also to show La Paz experience in plans and projects that may work for some other cities too, generating a debate and experience interchange in a network.
Mr Alpha Ibrahima Bah

Mr Alpha Ibrahima Bah
Country of origin: Guinea
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Section Head of the Section of Control of Industrial Pollution at National Direction for the Environment, Conakry
Academic background: Rural Economics (M.Sc.)
Inventory sources of greenhouse gases emissions, persistent organic
pollutants and ozone depleting chemicals, Inspection and control of
classified establishment (factories, quarries, mining sites...), Assessment
of pollution risks and recommendation of measures. Facilitating set-up of
community projects and conflict resolution.
Ms Wala Bashari

Ms Wala Bashari
Country of origin: Sudan
Workfield: Urban planning / Architecture
Position while attending the course: Urban planner at UNHABITAT
Academic background: Architecture (B.Sc.); Urban Planning and Management (M.Sc.)
Works on national urban policies and in the green housing committee,
contributes to adapting the Sustainable Development Goals to the Sudanese
context, considering the unique context of the federal states. Works also as
an urban planner at UNHABITAT in land management projects.
I am directly involved in development projects and especially land use planning issues, as I work as a consultant for the ministry of environment in the project of Sudan National Urban Policy (green housing committee); it is a project aims to draw a road map of development in Sudan till 2031 based on the SDGs. Moreover, I work for UNHABITAT in the project of strengthening land management for peaceful co-existence in five Darfur States; this project is designed and focused on the (16th SDG) on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies and access to justice, and committed to using its principles to achieve the SDGs in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Furthermore, as a researcher at the University of Khartoum, I am very inspired and motivated towards urban equity issues, Recently I have immersed myself in the subject, I did my master’s research on special impact of gender variation in public open spaces (Khartoum River Nile front as a case study), and I have published a paper on the same theme in the fourth conference of Sudanese architects association. Nowadays I am working on joint research between University of Sussex IDS and University of Khartoum. I believe my motivation to apply for CIPSEM program can be understood out of my studies and professional experience, but most of all, I have a genuine interest in adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to build peaceful, inclusive societies. I believe that urban equity in development and sustainable development is not just an ideal, something that operates in the realm of ideas or aspirations. It is a concept framework that guides decision-making to enhance lives in cities for all; a useful tool needed to redefine the urban policy agenda at local, national and regional levels to ensure shared prosperity; and a factor to enhance the city‘s transformative capacity to bring about collective well-being and fulfillment of all. Subsequently to the UNEP/UNESCO/BMU course I was promoted at UNHABITAT to Urban Planning Officer.
Mr Danny Bunonga Chibinda

Mr Danny Bunonga Chibinda
Country of origin: Zambia
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Assistant Director Housing and Social Services at Chipata City Council
Academic background: Sustainable Development (M.Sc.); Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
My main responsibilities under the city council are: coordinating the development and management of community amenities such as markets, bus stations, public housing units and skills training centres (for youth, women and disabled people empowerment); upgrading informal settlements through provision of basic services like safe water and proper sanitation, drainage/roads and issuance of security of tenure documents; and managing human, financial and other resources to enhance operations. I also work as a consultant for the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) where I give technical support to municipalities on localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG number 11 on sustainable cities and communities. The opportunity to participant in the UNEP/UNESCO/BMU Course in Sustainable Cities at CIPSEM honed my skills in facilitating transformation of our cities to more sustainable centres. The skills and knowledge will be useful to the work I do at the city council and as a consultant.
Mr Kiran Man Joshi

Mr Kiran Man Joshi
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: Architecture and Planning
Position while attending the course: Planner at Maze Solution; Founding Member of 'Nepal Cycle Society'; Visting Lecturer at 'Kathmandu Engineering College'
Academic background: Urban Planning (M.Sc.)
Mostly leading planning projects undertaken by the institution, usually
government projects, e.g. physical development plans, integrated urban
development plans, municipal transportation master plan, etc.
Special interest in mapping and architectural works.
Professionally I work as an architect and planner in a private firm ‘Maze Solution’. I am founding member of ‘Nepal Cycle Society’ a voluntary non-profit organization which is working to make Kathmandu valley a cycle friendly city. We are trying to achieve that by promoting cycling as a medium of transport and mobility within Kathmandu. This was also my primary reason for applying at the CIPSEM as I hoped to get firsthand knowledge and insights on approaches to sustainable mobility in cities. I also take studio classes in ‘Kathmandu Engineering College’. I am hopeful that I will be able to share my experience, techniques and knowledge on sustainability issues with my dear students.
Mr Tsegay Kidanu Kahsay

Mr Tsegay Kidanu Kahsay
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Teaching, research and community service
Position while attending the course: Lecturer and Head of Department at Adigrat University Adigrat
Academic background: Urban Management (MA)
Instructor and department head of urban planning and design in Adigrat
University, Researcher especially in urban green space, land use efficiency
and sustainable urban land management as principal investigator
I am working as a lecturer and researcher in the public university of Ethiopia (Adigrat University). The university has three core responsibilities (teaching learning process, conducting research and community services); I am participating in these three core responsibilities of the university.
My educational background is Geography and Environmental Studies (BA) and Urban Management (MA) and I have worked for more than 5 years in urban planning & development Bureau as Geographer, Demographer & Environmentalist expert in the preparation of urban plans and supervising implementations before I joined to the university. In similar way, since the last 3 years, I am working in the university at urban planning and design department in the above-mentioned duties.
Since my educational background & work experience is related to environmental management especially in cities, when I got the chance to apply for the course sustainable cities, rely very glad. Because, I was expecting to learn more & share experience from this international institution CIPSEM and I have satisfied for my expectation practically in the course.
In my career, I have conducted some research assessments in solid waste management practices, urban green spaces & urban land management challenges. Now I become eager to search for scholarship fellowship here in Germany to develop my career (PhD) and contribute my part for sustainable development of cities.
Mr Nika Chitishvili

Mr Nika Chitishvili
Country of origin: Georgia
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Senior Specialist of Division of Infrastructural Project Management
Academic background: Economics (M.Sc.)
Planning and managing whole cycle of infrastructural pojects
Ms Le Phuong Lan Thi

Ms Le Phuong Lan Thi
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield: Architecture and Urban Planning
Position while attending the course: Vice Director at Institute of Housing and Public Works under Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Hanoi City
Academic background: Urban and Rural Planning (M.Sc.)
Proposing to Ministry of Construction (MOC) about sustainable housing
development, Support MOC in building the annual plan of responding
to climate change and green growth strategy
I am Deputy Director of Institute of Housing and Public Works under Vietnam Institute of Architecture (VIAr) - Ministry of Construction (MOC). My responsibilities are: Formulation for MOC about Housing Development Strategies and Implement Residential Construction Projects. I am also a representative of VIAr in Group supporting Ministry of Construction in Building Annual Planning of Climate Change Responding and Green Growth Strategy. Therefore knowledge of Sustainable Development would be very rewarding for my mandate and surely is one of the responsibilities of my organization. I do expect to discover many keys to sustainable urban management and planning from Germany. I hope to share experiences and challenges with international experts about adaptation climate change, resilient habitat, sustainable development, Bioclimatic Architecture. I won the Rural House Design Award of the Vietnam Architects Association in 2009. I have been awarded funds from some local governments in Vietnam for research adaptive solutions to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise. I have also received scholarships from international organizations for intensive courses.
Ms Intan Lestari

Ms Intan Lestari
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Reg. admin.
Position while attending the course: Analyst at Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Academic background: Urban Planning and Policy Design (M.Sc.)
Main duties are to prepare analysis regarding welfare policy, specifically
basic urban services such as education, health, and social services.
Responsibilities include providing data, comparing results, and monitoring
the progress of implemented programs, to achieve data-driven policies.
Ms Anita Listyarini

Ms Anita Listyarini
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Urban Settlement Area Development
Position while attending the course: Planning Analyst, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Academic background: International Planning and Development (M.Sc.)
Developing of urban settlement especially those related to infrastructure for slum upgrading. Responsible for formulatting policies, controlling, monitoring and strengthening community empowerment to realizing the livable and sustainable settlement
While attending this course I was positioned as Planning Analyst and mainly responsible for giving assistance and advice for proposed slum area development in 33 provinces of Indonesia, also involved the formulation strategy for city development in the next development term (2019-2024). Before, I was one of the Project Manager for the City without Slums Program, which has been implemented since in 2016 in Indonesia as a platform program for slum eradication and towards sustainable cities.
I found that this course offer a very relevant topic to what we are aiming to accomplish in Indonesia which is to build sustainable cities. The knowledge and experience from Germany as well as different countries which obtained from other participants will be valuable input for me and my organization.
In the Ministry of Public Works I have been assigned in slum improvement projects since 2014, which took me to see many implementation hindrance. Working with different municipalities and various stakeholders requires not only technical knowledge but also strategic and effective communication skills. This course definitely enrich me with techniques of communication and engineering solutions for development in a more sustainable manner especially in cities.
Ms Li Yinong

Ms Li Yinong
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Environmental Protection
Position while attending the course: Administrative Secretary at China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing
Academic background: English language and Literature (B.Sc.)
Being charge of the important tasks of the center such as administration,
Labor Union operation, conference planning and organization at all levels
In charge of implementation of the administrative policies, regulation and procedures; conference planning and organizing at all levels; project management. As I have limited knowledge about sustainable cities in my work, I hope I can learn more about sustainable cities at CIPSEM to expand my business scope and enhance my professional skills.
Mr Don Johnson Lontoc

Mr Don Johnson Lontoc
Country of origin: Philippines
Workfield: Local company
Position while attending the course: Professional Lecturer at Far Eastern University Manila
Academic background: Urban Planning and Policy Design (M.Sc.)
Lecturer for university courses: Planning, research methods for architecture, and professional practice. Also: practicing architect and master planner.
Mr Kamel Mnasri

Mr Kamel Mnasri
Country of origin: Tunisia
Workfield: Environment and Sustainable Development
Position while attending the course: Regional Expert of Environment - Assistant Director and Member of Municpal Council of City of Kef at Regional Office of Environment of Governorate of Kef
Academic background: Combating Desertification and Sustainable Management of Resources in Arid areas (M.Sc.); Engineer of Water and Forest (Option: Ecology and Natural Resource Management)
I am working as an Assistant director in the local office of environment of Kef (North West of Tunisia). My main duties are:
- Representation of the M.A.L.E. at the local level
- Participation in the implementation of the Regional Strategy of the Environment and SD jointly with local stakeholders related to this field (Governorate, Municipalities, Department of Equipment, Housing and Spatial Planning, Industry department, local NGOs...)
- Monitoring the state of the environment and SD at the local level
- Giving opinions on various regional projects (urban plan, industrial projects...)
- Participation in the implementation of local agenda 21 and in the elaboration of many Studies, etc.
In addition, I am a member of many local committees: (Sustainable Development Commission; Committee for cleanliness and environmental protection; Advisory Committee for agricultural land; Committee of fight against disasters and rescue organization; Committee for Building Permits)
Mr Artur Monteiro

Mr Artur Monteiro
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Environmental Managemant, Land Planning and Amazon Conservation
Position while attending the course: Research Analyst at Fundação Vitória Amazônica (FVA), Manaus/AM; Executive
Secretary of Manaus Metropolitan Area Obseravatory (ORMM) and; Executive
Secretary of Tarumã-Açu River Basin Committee
Academic background: M.Sc in Urban Planning; B.Sc. in Environmental Management
Focused on the improvement of land-use and urban public policies, the
ORMM is supported by a network of regional experts and the main topics
are urban planning, water management, green areas and conservation
Since some time before coming to Dresden, I work at Fundação Vitória Amazônica (FVA), a Brazilian NGO working in the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest since 1990. Our main goal is to foster the amazon socioeconomic development allying a scientific approach with traditional knowledge.
At FVA I manage the Manaus Metropolitan Area Observatory bringing together decision makers and the academia. By doing so we help local and state-level governments into land planning, development and natural resources policies construction and application. I also work at the board of the Tarumã-Açu River Basin Committee, working at the implementation of water management policies in the Amazon.
Prior to that I worked in the Barra da Tijuca Olympic Park Masterplan (Rio 2016 Games), especially in the Energy Efficiency and Water Management Strategies; together with the Angolan federal government implementing Urban Governance courses to technicians and; at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as an intern of the Mercosur-EU Bureau.
Taking part in the CIPSEM 75th course on Sustainable Cities has proven to be a key enriching expertise in my career, especially regarding technical knowledge deepening and networking building.
Mr Mafaldo de Amorim Junior Salomar

Mr Mafaldo de Amorim Junior Salomar
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Ministry of Environment
Position while attending the course: General Coordinator of Territorial
and Urban Environmental Management at General Coordination of Territorial and Urban Environmental Management
Academic background: Environment and Public Policies (B.Sc.)
Coordination of public policies, plans, programs, projects and actions of
the Brazilian federal government in the scope of territorial and urban
environmental management.
As a General Coordinator of Territorial and Urban Environmental Management, I´m responsible for: To propose and technically subsidize the formulation and implementation of national policies, programs, projects, guidelines, strategies and the like related to environmental planning and management territorial and urban environmental management. To act in articulation with other Ministries, civil society and relevant sectors aiming at the seal and implementation of regional and national territorial environmental agendas. To support the States and Cities, eventually other Ministries, in the implementation of planning and management policies, programs and instruments territorial and urban environment. Other activities are technically follow multilateral agreements, projects with national and international partners, and consulting contracts related to territorial and urban environmental planning and management; organize and participate in meetings, workshops, seminars, working groups and which are wholly or partly related to territorial and urban environmental planning and management; and to generate reports, technical opinions and other similar technical documents which on territorial and urban environmental planning and management.
In this context, the Short Course on Sustainable Cities was a great opportunity to develop my acknowledgements about good environmental and urban governance, technical infrastructure development for renewable energy, drinking water, wastewater, mobility and solid waste, as well as assentements, ecocities, urban and spatial planning.
Ms Mayra Alejandra Paz Viteri

Ms Mayra Alejandra Paz Viteri
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Local company
Position while attending the course: Project Assistant at Urbana Consultores Paradox CIA. LTDA
Academic background: Geographical Engineer in Environmental Management (B.Sc.)
Preparation of maps for urban planning and territorial planning
Mr Nitin Chiranjeev Ramsahye

Mr Nitin Chiranjeev Ramsahye
Country of origin: Mauritius
Workfield: Urban Planning
Position while attending the course: Senior Town and Country Planning Officer at Ministry of Housing and Lands (Planning Division), Ebene Cybercity
Academic background: Urban Planning (M.Sc.)
Examining major development projects (e.g Smart Cities). Providing views
to be submitted by this Ministry on international treaties and protocols.
Act as focal point of the Ministry on steering committees on
implementation of SDGs; ISO:Smart and Sustainable Communities;
National Biodiversity Strategy
I am an experienced Senior Urban Planner and a trained Cartographer. Amongst my key tasks, I determine planning applications for strategic projects e.g. Smart Cities, tourism-related projects. I tender advice to inter-ministerial committees on several UN/EU projects (SDGs, National Biodiversity Strategy, ISO Sustainable Cities and Communities and EU-ACP post-Cotonou Agreement 2020). I am also assisting Government in the preparation of an International Open Bidding Document for the review of the National Spatial Plan of Mauritius, horizon 2020-2040.
The CIPSEM fellowship is of high relevance in my professional career, as it would enable me to take home the sustainability concepts and good practices in Germany and other EU cities. I am strongly motivated to share and learn the dynamics of planning practice from CIPSEM experts and researches including participants from other developing countries.
I won several University bursaries and prizes during my studies in Mauritius. I attended the Young African Leaders fellowship programme in Urban Environmental Management offered by the Japan International Cooperation Agency in 2011. I also successfully completed my postgraduate under the sponsorship of the Canadian Government. In addition to my duties, I have the responsibility to set up a “Council of Professional Urban Planners Act” in Mauritius.
Ms Emilija Slaridis-Janevska

Ms Emilija Slaridis- Janevska
Country of origin: Macedonia
Workfield: Urban planning
Position while attending the course: Urban planning advisor, Municipality of Kumanovo
Academic background: University for Architecture (Bachelor)
Examining major development projects (e.g Smart Cities). Providing views
to be submitted by this Ministry on international treaties and protocols.
Act as focal point of the Ministry on steering committees on
implementation of SDGs; ISO:Smart and Sustainable Communities;
National Biodiversity Strategy
I am responsible for preparing and processing urban plans of the municipality. I prepare annual programms for urban planning and other urban documentation of the municipality, provide analysis and opinions, and give instructions in urban planning processes. I prepare and proceed the decisions for adopting of urban documentation by the side of municipality council. I also work with communities (citizens) in urban planning process. Increase the knowledge of a sustainable planning process that is indispensable and in which my country invests more each day and sharing knowledge and experiences. Learning in an environment where the participants are from different nationalities, religions and cultures. The learned lessons from the training program I will apply to my work and as a participant in the process of drafting and adopting urban plans I will be able directly to implement it. With new knowledge I will be able to contribute to the sustainable development of the urban environment where I live and work, but also an opportunity to contribute to the processes of sustainable city and country. Strengthening the capacity of our local government to plan, develop and manage urban areas in inclusive way by using new methods and tools. I expect to learn, to make a new friendship, sharing experiences and network extension. I have been a part from International Training Program “Enabling Local Democracy and inclusive Urban Development trough the SymbioCity Approach” organized by ICLD and SIDA. From 5 of November 2018 I will be Had of Urban panning Unite and the Fellowship Program is the best opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge on sustainable urban planning methods in order to solve problems which my city are facing as well as to improve my skills for facilitating complex discussions.
Ms Ezinwanyi Amarachi Udechukwu

Ms Ezinwanyi Amarachi Udechukwu
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: Environmental governance (Regulation)
Position while attending the course: Assistant Chief Scientific Officer at Lagos Field Office, National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Lagos
Academic background: Environmental Engineering and Project Management (M.Sc.)
Heads the Port Operations and Public Awareness Unit, one of three units
(industrial compliance monitoring, port operations and environmental
conservation) in the Lagos Field Office.
The unit heads are rotated every 18-24 months.
I work in the Nigeria Environment Agency-the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA). NESREA has the mandate of enforcing all environmental laws, regulations, conventions to which Nigeria is a signatory among others as well as ensure a sustainable use of the Nigerian environment. I have been involved in the development of national environmental regulations on different aspects of the environment as well as in the operationalization of these regulations. Currently, I head the pollution crime prevention/control activities in the Lagos Liaison Office of the Agency. In addition, I supervise the public awareness activities at the Lagos Liaison office which involves proffering advice on safe use of the environment by stakeholders.
The CIPSEM Fellowship opportunity provided me invaluable information and knowledge on sustainable environmental issues which I employ in the discharge of my duties of pollution control and environmental education.
Ms Jaint Yadanar

Ms Jaint Yadanar
Country of origin: Myanmar
Workfield: Environmental Conservation
Position while attending the course: Environmental Specialist at E Guard Environmental Services Yangon
Academic background: Forestry (B.Sc.)
Project proponents, analyzes collected data which can provide environmental guidance contained explanation of policies and finally prepare report including impacts analysis and mitigation measures in relation to types of the project.
Currently I am working as an Environmental Specialist in one of the leading environmental services providing organization in Myanmar. I have to undertake Environmental and Social Impact Analysis for the development projects which may have serious impacts on the environment and communities. Moreover, I have to conduct socio-economic surveys and facilitate in public consultation meetings for knowing the local people perceptions and concerns on these projects. And I analyze collected data which can provide environmental guidance contained explanation of policies and finally prepare reports including impact analysis and mitigation measures in relation to types of the project.
Moreover, I would like to learn urban development practices related to green building, public transportation, renewable energy, wastes and resources management from this course. The knowledge and experiences that I have learnt must be applied to the development plans of our country within the practical, holistic and integrated legal framework, including all the aspects needed to achieve sustainability and finally to become peace, green and sustainable country.