Profil of the chair
Trees play a key role in the global carbon and water cycles. Dynamics of physiological processes of woody species, water regime, including cambial activity and xylogenesis therefore build the basis of our botanical research.

Knowledge and research of life processes of trees and shrubs convey insights in inner and outer structures, mechanisms of adaptation and optimization as well as in complex functions of plants. Chair of forest botany transmits botanical basics and profound knowledge in dendrology. Research questions – if fundamental or application-oriented – are answered by diverse methodological approaches. Besides the focus of woody plants, a further priority of the chair lies on bio-indication by mosses and lichens in environmental control.
Moreover the connected function of managing Tharandt Botanic Garden results in a close connection to these institutions. Guided tours and special theme-based presentations present results of forest botanical research to an interested public (e.g. a path of sustainable development). In Sylvaticon, the “WaldErlebnisWerkstatt”, children and teenagers can experience our finds in a very hands-on way. Forest botany intends an intensifying of education and research for botanical hierarchies and interactions starting from cell to ecosystem level and sustainable development.