Dr. rer. silv. Hubertus Pohris
Dr. rer. silv. Hubertus Pohris
- higher education entrance qualification with graduation as an skilled labour for agricultural technics in Elsterwerda (Brandenburg)
- education with graduation as an forestry skilled labour in the nationalized forestry enterprise Jessen (Sachsen-Anhalt)
- study of the forestry science at the section forestry in Tharandt of the Technical University of Dresden with graduation Diplomforstingenieur
- floor manager for raw timber allocation in the nationalized forestry enterprise Jessen
- doktoral student in the scientific sector silviculture and forest protection in Tharandt
- PhD 1983 with the research paper theme:
"Untersuchungen über den Einfluss ökologischer Faktoren auf den Ertrag der Fichte (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) in mittel alten Reinbeständen des sächsischen Erzgebirges bei besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bodenfeuchtigkeit grund- und stauwasserfreier Standorte" - scientific assistant in the scientific sector tropical and subtropical forest- and timber industry at the section forestry in Tharandt with focus forest- ecology- silviculture
- post- graduate study tertiary- pedagogics 1989/90 at the section job- pedagogics of the Technical University of Dresden
- scientific master- assistent at the institute for international forest- and timber- industry Tharandt of the TU Dresden with specific didactic- and researchtasks
Pohris, H.; Uibrig, H. (2006) Interrelationship between the ontogenetic type of pine trees and the resin production potential. Sino-German Symposium on NTFP held at Göttingen University 12-17 March, 2006, Symposium Proceedings, 122-132.
Pohris, H. (2005) Contribution of silviculture to interdisciplinary research for integrated forest management planning. DAAD Project 53, Workshop: Elaboration of integrated teaching methods of cultural aspects of forest resources utilization and interdisciplinary research methodology (30. 05. – 11. 06. 2005), TU Dresden, (presented paper, 7 pp.).
Pohris, H. (2004) Some emerging research issues in high-intensity forest plantation management of tropical and subtropical regions. German-CIFOR Workshop on Rethinking Tropical Plantations (07. 12. – 10. 12. 2004), CIFOR, Bogor, (presented paper, 14 pp.)
Pohris, H. (2003) Ökophysiologisch basierte Prozeßmodelle für Waldökosysteme – ein neuer Weg forstlicher Forschung ? Vortrag zum Kolloquium 40 Jahre Institut für Internationale Forst- und Holzwirtschaft der TU Dresden (30. 06. – 01. 07. 2003), Dresden, (Vortrag, 9 S.).
Pretzsch, J.; Pohris, H.; Henríquez, M. A. (2002) Subproyecto Forestal, XI. Región Aysén, Chile. SERPLAC/TU Berlin/TU Dresden, (presentado documento, 28 p.).
Pohris, H. ; Henríquez, M. A. (2001) Informe sumario de la Conferencia de Participación « Programa : Ordenamiento Territorial de Aysén » y de las actividades primarias para la elaboración de los modelos de gestión forestal. (SERPLAC/TU Berlin/TU Dresden, (presentado documento, 13 p.).
Basavaraju, T.B. ; Pohris, H. ; Guruaja Rao, M. R. (2001) Pattern of light interception and yield of Finger Millet in agroforestry systems under semiarid conditions. Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol. 24 (1), 32-37.