Chair holder
Prof. Dr. Goddert von Oheimb
Professorship of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
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Visiting Adress:
Cotta-Bau, 1. Floor, Room 1.25 Pienner Str. 7
01737 Tharandt
My research focus is in the analysis of phytodiversity and the development of nature conservation strategies under the conditions of sustainable land-use management and global change. Specifically, I am interested in
- Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research
- Concepts of nature conservation to safeguard natural resources and ensure sustainable development
- Biodiversity conservation
- Forest ecology and management
- Ecological responses of plant species and plant communities to multiple, interacting drivers of global change (in particular land use change, climate change, nitrogen deposition, land us)
- Applied plant ecology.
- Since 2014: Professor for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation, Technische Universität Dresden
- 2011 to 2014: außerplanmäßiger Professor (associate professor), Faculty Sustainability, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
- 2006 to 2011: Privatdozent (associate professor), Institute of Ecology and Environmental Chemistry, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
- 2006: Habilitation, Venia legendi: Ecology; University of Lüneburg
- 2004 to 2006: Post-Doc, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Chemistry, University of Lüneburg
- 2003: P ost-Doc, Department of World Forestry, University of Hamburg
- 2002: Dissertation in Biology at the University of Hamburg (Title: „Einfluss forstlicher Nutzung auf die Artenvielfalt und Artenzusammensetzung der Gefäßpflanzen in norddeutschen Laubwäldern“)
- 2000 to 2003: Staff scientist, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Chemistry, University of Lüneburg
- 1999 to 2000: Staff scientist, Institute of World Forestry, Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products, Hamburg
- 1996 to 1999: Staff scientist, Department of World Forestry, University of Hamburg
- 1996: Diploma in Biology (University of Göttingen, with highest honours)