Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dr. h.c. PETER A. SCHMIDT
Date of Birth: 15.05.1946 Place of Birth: Wainsdorf (Kreis Bad Liebenwerda, now Elbe-Elster-Kreis)
1964-1971 | Study and research study at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg: Diplom-Biologe (Botany 1971), Dr. rer. nat. (1972) |
Dez. 1968 - Okt. 1969 | Study residence on the chair of higher palts of the State Shdanonov-University and on the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Science (Komarov-Institute) in Leningrad (St. Petersburg, RUssia) |
1987 | Habilitation an der Technischen Universität Dresden: Dr. sc. nat. (1991 Dr. habil.) |
1971-1976 | Leader of the museum of natural history at the museum of the city Gera, at the same time honorary protection official of the district Gera country |
seit 1976 | Technical University Dresden |
1976-1987 | Custos of the Tharandt Botanic Garden and Arboretum |
1987-1989 | Associate professor for land improvement and nature conservation |
seit 1989 | Professor for land improvement and nature conservation at the institute for Silviculture and Forest Protection, since 1993 at the Institute for General Ecology and Environmental Protection |
1991-1993 | Director of the Institute for Silviculture and Forest Protection |
1992-1994 | Director of the Botanical Garden Dresden |
1997-2000 | Speaker of the Department of Forest Science (Prodekan) |
2001-2003, 2006-2009 | Director of the Institute for General Ecology and Environmental Protection |