Completed Projects
- User-oriented inventory and planning procedures for adaptive multifunctional forest management (NOWA_IP)
- Analysis of diversity effects on above-ground productivity in forests: advancing the mechanistic understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics in canopy space filling using mobile laser scanning
- The impact of Fraxinus pennsylvanica on the biodiversity of River Elbe and River Oder (funded by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology - BfG)
- BEF China - The role of tree and shrub diversity for production, erosion control, element cycling, and species conservation in Chinese subtropical forest ecosystems (DFG) - Teilprojekt 2: Plant growth and demography
- Intermediate evaluation of German national parks incl. analysis of species management in the core zones (esp. Neobiota)
- Compilation of an user guide for the management of alien species in Germany (BfN)
- Ecological function of semi-open corridors (BfN)
- The Belgian Gagea (Gagea spathacea) in in Germany: Conservation strategies in response to climate change within the context of sustainable forest management (BMBF + BMUB/BfN)
- Analysis of the 3D structure of individual trees using terrestrial laser scanning
- Impact of management and climate change on the population dynamics of Calluna vulgaris – case study Oranienbaumer Heide
- Significance of ecological continuity on ecosystem functioning in forests
- Effects of drought on inter- and intraspecific above- and belowground competition processes of Hieracium murorum and Luzula luzuloides.
- Ecology of alien species in a regional and cross-regional perspektive
- Wilderness areas and open landscape habitats of the EU FFH-directive: Conflicts and potentials