Joint project
Development of effective and close-to-nature regulation and eradication methods as a requirement for a sustainable and future-compliant forest management
Project period
01.12.2020 – 31.12.2023
Project partners
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Abteilung Forstzoologie und Waldschutz
Dr. Martin Gabriel
Ostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Forstplanung mbH
Niederlassung Sachsen
Dr. Michael Wehnert-Kohlenbrenner
Project description
The ReBek project is comprised of two sub projects (SP). SP 1 aims at developing alternative eradication methods in the form of novel weevil and bark beetle traps that use little to no pesticides as well as mass trapping lures, which are able to locally and temporarily reduce the population densities of the target insects in a way that secures the economic and ecological objectives of the forest owners. The focus of SP 2 is the development of close-to-nature, pesticide-free regulation methods for bark beetles. Non-habitat volatiles will be identified by volatile suctions and testing the recorded substances in the field using traps and trap logs. These volatiles will allow for the chemical masking of objects that are at risk of bark beetle colonization and will pretend an unsuitable habitat for the target species.
Project related publications, presentations and theses
Heber T. (2023): Mass trapping of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis L. – Chances and challenges. Vortrag zur Entomologentagung der DGaaE, 20.-23. Februar 2023, Bozen, Italien.
Heber T., Helbig C., Osmers S., Larquette M., Müller M. (2023): Insektizidfreie Falle für den Großen Braunen Rüsselkäfer. AFZ-DerWald 78 (5): 42-46.
Heber T., Helbig C. E., Osmers S., Müller M. G. (2021): Evaluation of attractant composition, application rate, and trap type for potential mass trapping of Ips typographus (L.). Forests 12 (12): 1727. DOI: 10.3390/f12121727.
Heber T., Osmers S. (2022): Gotta catch'em all – Massenfang statt Insektizid im Projekt ReBek. Vortrag zur Tharandt Convention am 04. Mai 2022, Tharandt.
Heber T., Osmers S. (2023): Hylobius abietis – Gotta catch'em all? Vortrag zum 4. Tharandter Waldschutzkolloquium 13.-14. Oktober 2022, Tharandt.
Helbig C. (2023): Interference in bark beetle host selection: Effects of allochthonous kairomones, anti-aggregation substances and non-host volatiles on bark beetles and their antagonists. Vortrag zur IUFRO Conference, 29.-31. August 2023, Bordeaux, Frankreich.
Krautz N. (2023): Freilandversuch zur Wirkung potenziell repellenter Semiochemikalien auf den Fang von Borkenkäfern und deren Antagonisten in Schlitzfallen in einem Bestand mit Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.) im Tharandter Wald. Masterarbeit: 82 S.
Larquette M. (2023): Vergleich der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Semiochemikalien auf den Fang des Großen Braunen Rüsselkäfers (Hylobius abietis L.) unter der Beachtung von Beifängen. Masterarbeit: 81 S.
Nikulka P. (2023): Untersuchung der Wirkung einer erhöhten Applikation des Standarddispensers Typosan® auf die Fangzahlen des Buchdruckers (Ips typographus) unter der Beachtung wichtiger Antagonisten. Bachelorarbeit: 53 S.
Project staff
NameDr. Christiane Helbig
ReBek project
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Visiting address:
Hauptgebäude, 2nd floor, room 34 Pienner Str. 8
01737 Tharandt
M. Sc. Tobias Heber, Researcher
M. Sc. Sören Osmers, Technician