Michael Krell
Michael Krell
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- since 09/2024
Doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences on the topic: “Municipal politics of the party Freie Sachsen” - since 04/2024
Research Assistant at the Chair of Human Geography at the TU Dresden - Winter semester 2023/24
Lecturer at the Chair of Human Geography at the TU Dresden - 08/2023 – 02/2024
Teaching traineeship - 07/2023
First State Examination for teaching secondary level - 2020 – 2023
Student Assistant at the Chairs of Human Geography and Didactics of Geography at the TU Dresden - 2017 – 2023
Studies of Geography and History at the TU Dresden
- Political Geographies of the Far Right
- Territorializations
- Geographies of globalized markets, focus: global art market
Editorial Work
(As part of) Autor*innenkollektiv Terra-R (forthcoming): Das Ende rechter Räume: Zu Territorialisierungen der radikalen Rechten. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Krell, Michael; Böhme, Tom (eds) (2024): Sächsische Realitäten. Analysen aktueller Protestphänomene der radikalen Rechten in Sachsen. Dresden/München: Thelem. (OA/Print)
Book Chapters & Journal Papers
Krell, Michael; Zschocke, Paul; Ludwig, Nils (forthcoming): Performative Territorialisierung: von Montagsprotesten und Neo-Kameradschaften. In: Autor*innenkollektiv Terra-R: Das Ende rechter Räume: Zu Territorialisierungen der radikalen Rechten. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Krell, Michael (accepted): „Stürmt mit uns die Rathäuser“. Eine skalensensible Argumentationsanalyse des sächsischen Kommunalwahlkampfes der radikal rechten Kleinstpartei Freie Sachsen im Jahr 2024. In: Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde.
(As part of) Autor*innenkollektiv Terra-R (2024): For a Non-Exceptionalist Spatial Theory of Far-Right Mobilizations. In: Essex, Jamey; Gallaher, Carolyn; Luger, Jason (eds.): Intervention Symposium "Worldbuilding and Worldbreaking: New Spatialities the Far-Right". Antipode Online.
Krell, Michael; Meyer, Frank (2024): Freeports, elites, and loopholes: A socio-spatial exploration of the globalized geographies of contemporary art trade using the TPSN-heuristic. In: Erdkunde. Journal of Human and Physical Geography 78 (2), 111-128. Link
Krell, Michael (2024): Sachsen First. Die Raumfrage im Grundsatzprogramm der Freien Sachsen. In: Krell, Michael/Böhme, Tom (eds): Sächsische Realitäten. Analysen aktueller Protestphänomene der radikalen Rechten in Sachsen. Dresden/München: Thelem, 62-89. Link
Böhme, Tom; Krell, Michael (2024): Freie Sachsen: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? – Eine Einleitung. In: Krell, Michael; Böhme, Tom (eds): Sächsische Realitäten: Analysen aktueller Protestphänomene der radikalen Rechten in Sachsen. Dresden/München: Thelem, 6-26. Link
- Krell, Michael (28.11.2024): Queerfeindlichkeit: Neue Hauptgegner für eine neue Generation von Neonazis. In: Zeit Online
- Krell, Michael (29.07.2024): Freie Sachsen: War dieser Rücktritt erst der Anfang? In: Zeit Online
- Krell, Michael (09.07.2024): PEGIDA war nie wirklich weg. In: Zeit Online
- Krell, Michael (13.05.2024): Angriffe auf Politiker. Wie aus radikalem Wahlkampf Gewalt wird. A guest contribution in: Zeit Online
- 2021 - 2025
Member of DFG-Network „Territorializations of the Radical Right“ Terra R - 04/2025 - 09/2025
Head of teaching project "research oriented teaching on the far rigth under local conditions", funded by FOSTER: ENABLE2RESEARCH@TUD - 08/20203 – 04/2024
Co-Head of student research project „Analyses on current far right protests in the German federal state of Saxony“, funded by FOSTER: STUDENTRESEARCH@TUD
WInter Semester 2024/25
- Seminar Urban Geographies (3 groups): link
Summer Semester 2024
Seminar Geographies of Inequality (2 groups)
Winter Semester 2023/24
- Seminar Urban Geographies (1 group)
- Member of the Terra-R authors' collective
- Member of the Association for Geography at German-speaking Universities and Research Institutions
- 28-30.10.2024: Appearance as an expert at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on the topic of attacks on journalists in the context of right-wing demonstrations as part of the "Journalists Matter Campaign", appearance on the "Europe Explained" podcast
- 20.09.2024: Article on the exposure of electoral fraud by the Free Saxons in the Dresden local elections in DUZ Magazine for Science and Society
19.09.2024: Review of the anthology "Sächsische Realitäten" in the print version of the Sächsische Zeitung
04.09.2024: Mention of own discovery of voting irregularities in the Dresden local elections in favor of the Free Saxons in an article by Zeit Online
21.08.2024: Interview with T-Online about the Free Saxons in the context of state party funding
22.06.2024: Guest in the podcast "Junge Politik in Sachsen" on the topic of right-wing successes in the Saxon local elections on Sachsenfernsehen
21.06.2024: Presentation of the anthology "Sächsische Realitäten" in the "Büchermarkt" section on Deutschlandfunk radio
26.05.2024: Coverage of the anthology "Sächsische Realitäten" in the Sächsische Zeitung during the local elections of the Free Saxons