Anke Schwarz
Dr. Anke Schwarz
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Since October 2023, Anke Schwarz holds the position of interim associate professor of Human Geography at Heidelberg University’s Institute of Geography'. New theses and examinations at the TU Dresden cannot be supervised/accepted currently.
- International Urbanization
- Comparative Urban Studies
- Infrastructures
- Territorializations and place-based identity formation
- Future Geographies
After completing my graduate studies in Urban Planning at Hamburg University of Technology, TU Vienna, and HafenCity University, I worked as a researcher at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig. Before receiving my PhD in Geography from University of Hamburg in 2016, I spent one year as a visiting researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). In 2017, my thesis was published under the title 'Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City' by Franz Steiner. After a stint at the Center for Metropolitan Studies at TU Berlin, I joined the Institute of Geography at Dresden University of Technology in November 2018 as a research associate (postdoc).
I am a member of Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association (RC21), of the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA), of Verband für Geographie an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen (VGDH), and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG).
- de Aquino, E.; Müller, F. and Schwarz, A. (eds) (2021): Protagonists of Latin American Futures. Theme issue, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 9 (1).
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (eds) (2019): Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives. Geographica Helvetica Special Issue 938.
- Müller, F. and Schwarz, A. (eds) (2013): Lo Urbano – Current Urban Research in and from Latin America. Theme issue, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 4 (2013).
- Schwarz, A. (2017): Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Megacities and Global Change, Volume 22. Stuttgart: Steiner.
- Schwarz, A. (2021): Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City. In: ephemera 21 (1), 173-196.
- Schwarz, A. (2021): “Practice believing that the world can change radically”: Interview with Malka Older. In: Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 9 (1), 27-32.
- Schwarz, A. (2020): The essential vat: Geographies of Food in Science Fiction. In: Lo Squaderno 56 – Urban Recipes, 13-16.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2020): Introduction to the special issue “Contested urban territories: decolonized perspectives”. In: Geographica Helvetica 75 (1), 11-18.
- Streule, M. and Schwarz, A. (2019): “Not all spaces are territories”: creating other possible urban worlds in and from Latin America – an interview with Raúl Zibechi. In: Geographica Helvetica 74 (1), 105-111.
- Schwarz, A. (2018): Urban DIY Mesh Networks and the Right to the City: Interview with members of the Tapullo collective, Genoa. In: Journal of Peer Production #11 CITY.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2016): A Transposition of Territory. Decolonized Perspectives in Current Urban Research. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (5), 1000–1016.
- Schwarz, A. (2013): Out All Day or Stay at Home: Mobility Patterns of the Urban Poor in Mexico City. In: Trialog 110 (2013), 4-7.
- Krellenberg, K.; Müller, A.; Schwarz, A.; Höfer, R. and Welz, J. (2013): Flood and heat hazards in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the socio-economics of exposure. In: Applied Geography 38 (2013), 86-95.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (in print): Von Territorium zu Territorio: Land, Allmende und soziale Kämpfe in Mexiko-Stadt. In: Bauriedl, S./Carstensen-Egwuom, I. (eds.): Geographien der Kolonialität. Geschichten globaler Ungleichheitsverhältnisse der Gegenwart. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Schwarz, A. (2022): Parochial imaginations: The ‘European City’ as a territorialised entity. In: Ha, N./Picker, G. (eds.): European Cities: Modernity, Race and Colonialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2022): Rendering territory (in)visible. Approaching urban struggles through a socio-territorial lens. In: Brighenti, A.M. and Kärrholm, M. (eds) Territories, Environments, Politics. Explorations in Territoriology. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Kübler, F., Schilk, F. and Schwarz, A. (2022): Rechte Räume reconstructed. Identitätsfassaden in Skopje und Dresden. In: Mullis, D. and Miggelbrink, J. (eds) Lokal extrem Rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen. Bielefeld: transcript - Hutta, J. and Schwarz, A. (2021): Umkämpfte Differenzen. Für wen und mit wem Geographie machen? In: Schneider-Sliwa, R.; Braun, B.; Helbrecht, I. and Wehrhahn, R. (eds) Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann Bildungsmedien. - Welz, J.; Schwarz, A. and Krellenberg, K. (2014): Understanding Hazard Exposure for Adaptation in a Climate Change Context. In: Krellenberg, K.; Hansjürgens, B. (Hrsg.): Climate Adaptation Santiago. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Schwarz, A. (2020): Book review of Sophie Watson’s 2019 City Water Matters. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 44 (6): 1099-1100.
- Schwarz, A. (2018): A sudden drop in pressure. Book review of Nikhil Anand’s 2017 Hydraulic City. In: City 22 (1), 178-182.
- Schwarz, A. (2013): Book review: Pradilla Cobos, Emilio (ed) 2011: Ciudades compactas, dispersas, fragmentadas. In: Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 4 (2013), 46-48.
- Schwarz, A. (2017): Gefährliches Wasser. In: Jungle World 2017/26, 29.06.2017.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2014): Territorio es más que terreno. In: La Jornada de Oriente, 7.8.2014.
- Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2014): Von wegen biologisch. Mexico City: Ein Flughafengrossprojekt soll urbane Stadtentwicklung mit natürlichem Freiraum verbinden. In: der Freitag, Nr. 22, 28.5.2014, 10.
- Krellenberg, K.; Jordán, R.; Rehner, J.; Schwarz, A.; Infante, B.; Barth, K.; Pérez, A. (2014): Adaptation to climate change in megacities of Latin America: Regional Learning Network of the research project ClimateAdaptationSantiago. Project Document 529. Santiago de Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC).
- 2021-2024
'Territorializations of the radical right – Spatial appropriations and discursive framing', Scientific Network (Funding: DFG, Head: A. Schwarz, V. Domann (HU Berlin), J. Hutta (University of Bayreuth/TU Dresden) and D. Mullis (PRIF Frankfurt) - 2018
'Imagined Urban Communities' (Funding: Post-Doc-Anschubfinanzierung der TU Berlin) - Proposal accepted for funding - 2011–2014
'Domestic Water Use in Mexico City - A geographical perspective' (Doctoral fellowship, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin) - 2010-2012
'ClimateAdaptationSantiago' (Funding: International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Head: K. Krellenberg and B. Hansjürgens, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig) - Researcher
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