Junior Professorship in Environmental Remote Sensing
The Junior Professorship in Environmental Remote Sensing is representing remote sensing as an integrative environmental discipline at TU Dresden. The group is led by Matthias Forkel.
Our research focuses on the development of methods and applications of satellite data and derived products to observe, analyse, model and predict changes in ecosystems and the related impacts on the carbon and water cycle and the climate. Furthermore, we use satellite data to observe and predict dynamics of vegetation fires. We use and develop data-driven methods such as time series analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, retrieval apporaches for envrionmental parameters, as well as process-based environmental models and model-data integration techniques. Research
The group teaches for the Bachelor programs Geography and Geodesy/Geoinformation and for Master programs Geoinformation technologies, Geodesy, Geography, Cartography, and Tropical Forestry. We teach at the interface between classical remote sensing (sensors, data, methods), environmental sciences (carbon and water cycles, climate change, wildfires), and data science (statistics, time series analysis, image analysis, machine learning). Teaching
Contact: TU Dresden, Hülßebau 4.+5. Floor, Helmholtzstraße 10, 01069 Dresden
Secretary Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing/Geosensor systems
Tel: +49 351 463-33680, Fax: +49 351 463-37266
Hülßebau, Helmholtzstraße 10, 01069 Dresden
Raum W532, 5. Stock, Westflügel
TU Dresden
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
D-01062 Dresden
TU Dresden
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
Helmholtzstraße 10
D-01069 Dresden