High resolution photogrammetric methods for nested parameterization and validation of a physical based soil erosion model
The main objective of the project is the simulation of soil erosion by means of photogrammetric measurements and optimisation techniques as well as physically-based erosion modelling approaches on different scales. Common process based soil erosion modelling approaches are only valid on the scale at which parameters are identified. Due to the complexity, variability and discontinuity of erosion processes a transferability to other temporal and spatial scales is limited. Hence, observed phenomena (rill erosion or concentrated flow in tram lines) are not or only rudimentary covered even by complex model approaches. Photogrammetric measurements (e.g. referenced thermal images and 3D surface reconstruction methods) allow the observation of surface runoff and the altering of the soil surface across different process scales with a consistent procedure.
Soil losses resulting from erosion processes can be validated using photogrammetric data. Physically based erosion models can not only be validated but also parameterised by means of stochastic approaches due to the great information density of 3D-models with high spatial and temporal resolution. Additionally, photogrammetric observations (RGB and thermal) allow for highly resolved process discrimination (splash-, sheet- and rill erosion, particle transport and deposition). Thus, an implementation of adapted model approaches for the simulation of scale-dependent processes (e.g. separate consideration of sheet and rill flow) is possible and enables a fundamentally new observation of the inter-connectivity of sediment transport as well as the relation between event frequency and event magnitude.
The project is funded by the DFG.
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Epple, L., Kaiser, A., Schindewolf, M., Bienert, A., Lenz, J., Eltner, A. (2022): A Review on the Possibilities and Challenges of Today’s Soil and Soil Surface Assessment Techniques in the Context of Process-Based Soil Erosion Models. Remote Sensing, 14(10), 2468 (Link RS).
Blanch, X., Eltner, A., Guinau, M., Abellan, A. (2021): Multi-epoch and multi-imagery (MEMI) photogrammetric workflow for enhanced change detection using time-lapse cameras. Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1460 (Link RS).
Onnen, N., Eltner, A., Heckrath, G., Van Oost, K. (2020): Monitoring soil surface roughness under growing winter wheat with low altitude UAV sensing: potential and limitations. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(14), 3747-3759 (Link Wiley).
Candido, B., Quinton, J., James, M., Silva, M., de Carvalho, T., de Lima, W., Beniaich, A., Eltner, A. (2020): High-resolution monitoring of diffuse (sheet or interrill) erosion using structure-from-motion. Geoderma, 375, 114477 (Link Elsevier).
- Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anette Eltner (project management)
- Dr.-Ing. Anne Bienert (project work)
- Oliver Grothum (project work)