Sara Schubert

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameDipl.-Biol. Sara Schubert
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Technische Universität Dresden
Fachrichtung Hydrowissenschaften
Institut für Hydrobiologie
01062 Dresden
Technische Universität Dresden Institut für Hydrobiologie Sekretariat, 1.OG Raum 60/61 Zellescher Weg 40
01217 Dresden
Research Topics
- new project starting soon in January 2025: IDEAL - Importance of water education in European Elbe/Labe region (EU funded Interreg Saxony - Czech Republic) SN-CZ2027_IDEAL
- current BMBF project Med-zeroSolvent: New insights in medical-technological water management – Implementation of innovative methods for zero-wastewater production by energy efficient treatment of highly contaminated process water in manufacturing of dialysis membranes April 2021 to October 2024 (derzeitiges BMBF Projekt Med-zeroSolvent: Neue Wege im medizintechnischen Wassermanagement – Etablierung innovativer Methoden für die abwasserfreie Produktion durch energieeffiziente Behandlung von stark belasteten Prozesswässern aus der Membranherstellung April 2021 bis Oktober 2024) News TUD Umweltwissenschaften Poster Kick-off meeting BMBF WavE2 BMBF WavE TUD Siedlungswasserwirtschaft - Projekt Med-zeroSolvent Updates
- Assessment of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, endocrine potential, and herbicide toxicity of municipal and industrial wastewater and surface water (native or extracts through solid phase extraction) by diverse in vitro biotests
Ames test (OECD 471 bzw. ISO/CD 11350:2012) to test mutagenity,
micronucleus test with human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) (OECD 478 bzw. ISO 21427-2:2006) to test genotoxicity,
yeast-based reporter gene bioassays ISO19040-1 YES, YAES, YAS, YAAS, YDS to test (anti)estrogenic, (anti)androgenic and Dioxin like potentials, A-YBS to test bisphenol potentials
ROS-test (DCFH-DA Assay) with human hepatocelluar carcinoma cells (HepG2) ISO/TS 19006:2016 to test reactive oxygen species
Combined algae test with Raphidocelis subcapitata to test herbicide toxicity (growth and Photosystem II inhibition)
- Solid phase extraction of diverse aquatic matrices (e.g. different wastewater, combined sewer overflow, surface water, rain) to extract pharmaceuticals, hormon-active and industrial compounds, herbicides
- Further Expertise: effects of wastewater exposure on organism level by in vivo biotests (Daphnia magna, Gammaridae), stream ecology, endocrine disruptors and their effects on different developmental stages of salmonids (brown trout, Salmo trutta), pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, esp. in urban sewer systems, analytic of pharmaceuticals (esp. antibiotics) in wastewater, sediments, sewage sludge, surface water as well as biomatrices by lyophilisation, USE and/or SPE (Ultrasonic -, solid phase extraction) and LC-MS/MS, secondary-data based analysis of ambulatory and hospital prescription or use of pharmaceuticals
- Publications on my ResearchGate profile ... FIS Profil (Forschungsportal der TU Dresden) ORCID link Scopus profile Scholar