Equipment (Selection)

Isotope Analyzer (Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer)
To the instrument
The PICARRO L2130-i is a cavity ring-down spectrometer measuring δD/δ18O isotopes in water and air.
O, H isotope analysis of water samples in field experiments (on-site analyser).

PARIO Particle Size Analyser
To the instrument
Die PARIO Apparatur dient zur automatisierten Bestimmung der Korngrößenverteilung von Bodenproben unter Ausschluss von Störfaktoren herkömmlicher Verfahren.

ku-pF apparatus
To the instrument
The ku-pF MP10 is a laboratory instrument for the automatic determination of the saturated hydraulic conductivity ku and the pf curve in accordance with the evaporation method on up to 10 soil rings.

Fluorescence Spectrometer
To the instrument
The LS-50B spectrometer is a computer-operated luminescence spectrometer with the ability to measure fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence and bioluminescence.

To the instrument
The ADCP boat is a mobile device to measure flow velocities in stream cross-sections and to determine discharge.

Irrigation Control System
To the instrument
he NMC-Pro is a multifunctional control system for the irrigation, fertigation (fertilization and irrigation) and climate control.

PUG - Pressure Unit Gradient Apparat
To the instrument
The PUG apparatus directly measures the hydraulic conductivity near saturation as well as the retention curve of the soil samples.

Drying Oven
To the instrument
The drying oven is used to dry soil samples. Temperatures can be adjusted to up to 250°C/300°C.