About us
In 1951, a “Dozentur” (docentship) of Meteorology was created within the Faculty of Forest Sciences and first data were collected at the station in Tharandt. Since then and despite of the devastating flood of 2002, related research areas in atmospheric sciences became almost constantly larger and more diverse.

The Chair of Meteorology
The climate system with its complex interactions and feedbacks does not easily support single process oriented approaches. However, process understanding remains the key to understand nature through analysis and model building. Here the common research mission at the Chair of Meteorology is “Surface- Atmosphere-Interaction” with the necessary, i.e. microscale to mesoscale resolution.
In the last twenty years, the scope of the Chair of Meteorology at the Technische Hochschule Dresden was considerable enlarged, climate change and climate change adaptation, as well as remote sensing and boundary layer modeling became additional important research areas. Nevertheless, research and teaching remain equally important tasks of all members of the professorship.