Publikationen Falko Clausnitzer
Table of contents
Köstner B, Clausnitzer F (2008).
Canopy conductance – a key parameter controlling water fluxes between forest and atmosphere. Progress in Hydro Sciences and Engineering, in press
Köstner B, Matyssek R, Heilmeier H, Clausnitzer F, Nunn AJ, Wieser G (2008).
Sap flow measurements as a basis for assessing trace-gas exchange of trees. Flora 203, 14-33
Poster Abstract
Clausnitzer F. and Köstner B. (2008). Meteorological effects to above-ground tree growth of a spruce and beech forest. In: EURECO-GFOE 20008 Proceedings - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Vol. 38, Leipzig, Germany, 15-19. September 2008
Clausnitzer F. and Köstner B. (2008). Relationship between tree transpiration, stem growth and carbon fluxes during soil drought of an old spruce forest. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 13.-18. April 2008
Kuhnert M., Clausnitzer F., Grünwald T., Bernhofer C., Köstner B. (2008). Validation of a SVAT model by sap flow, sensible and latent heat flux measurements. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 13.-18. April 2008
Schwärzel K., Menzer A., Clausnitzer F., Uwe S., Häntzschel J., Köstner B., Bernhofer C., Feger K.H. (2008). How reliable are soil water measurements for estimation of water balance components? A comparative experimental study in spruce and beech stands in the Tharandt forest (Germany). In: EUROSOIL 2008, Book of Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 25.- 29. August 2008
Schwärzel K., Menzer A., Clausnitzer F., Uwe S., Häntzschel J., Köstner B., Bernhofer C., Feger K.H. (2008). Mapping of soil water regime of forest sites based on spatially distributed process modelling. In: EUROSOIL 2008, Book of Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 25.-29. August 2008
Kuhnert M., Clausnitzer F., Köstner B. (2008). Simulation of NEE of forests and grassland with a one-dimensional SVAT model on regional scale. In: EURECO-GFOE 20008 Proceedings - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Vol. 38, Leipzig, Germany, 15-19. September 2008
Clausnitzer F., Grünwald T., Köstner B. (2008).
Relationships between water and carbon fluxes during soil drought of an old spruce forest. In: Plant Life in an Extreme and Changing Environment, Tharandt, Germany, March 31 – April 2, 2008
Feger K.H., Schwärzel K., Häntzschel J.,. Menzer A, Köstner B., Clausnitzer F., Spank U., Bernhofer C. (2007):
Model-based assessment and mapping of water supply conditions of forest sites. - In: Y. Wang and L.H. Xu (eds.): Water Management through forest management. IUFRO-FAO-UNESCO-Workshop, Nov. 12-17, 2007, Beijing/China, p. 41.
Köstner B., Clausnitzer F. (2006)
Canopy conductance – a key parameter controlling water fluxes between forest and atmosphere. Sino-German Symposium “The Role of Forests and Forest Manangment in the Water Cycle”, 27.-30. Nov. 2006, Dresden.
Spank U., Clausnitzer F., Köstner B., Bernhofer C. (2006) Baumwasserflüsse und Eddykovarianzdaten für die Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes von Waldstandorten. Forstwiss. Tagung 2006, 20.-22.9. 2006, Tharandt.