Attending the first meeting of the Steering Committee of AGREEMAR project in Tunisia
The first meeting of the Steering Committee (STC) of AGREEMAR project in Tunisia took place at the National Agronomical Institute of Tunisia on 14 March 2023. Participants from eight institutions in narrow relation to managed aquifer recharge (MAR) attended this meeting. After a brief self-introduction between the attendees, Catalin Stefan, the coordinator of AGREEMAR project, took the floor and exposed briefly the main objective of the project and his expectations from the STC. After that, INAT team presented the AGREEMAR project activities in Tunisia, the progress in work packages, deliverables, and next steps. STC members discussed many points such as the involvement of further stakeholders with pertinent activity in treated wastewater. They also discussed the proposed weighting system and the proposed methodology for water availability, especially the used guidelines to assess the water quality standards for MAR use. Finally, the STC members have set a series of future meetings during the remaining project period with an overall frequency of four months.