Miguel Moreno conducting field work for the characterisation of Yucatan karst aquifer

Miguel's field work in Merida, March 2017
A second round of field work was carried out in Yucatan between 1 to 31 March 2017 with the aim of evaluate changes in water levels and pollutants plume's behaviour below Merida city during the dry season (similar work was also conducted during the rainy season). In cooperation with Dr. Mario Rebolledo (CICY), the unsaturated soil zone underneath the city was characterized by using transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements in 37 locations. Future work will include data analysis and comparison with data obtained from wet season.

Miguel introduced the INOWAS project to UADY's students and staff members
At the invitation of Dr. Julia Pacheco (UADY), Miguel also gave two presentations at UADY for Bachelor and post graduate students with the aim to promote the research of the INOWAS group and encourage students' mobility initiatives. The meetings included also discussions about joint publications on mapping the aquifer's vulnerability for pollution in Yucatan peninsula.