INOWAS platform
The INOWAS modelling platform is an open source web-service developed to help with the planning and assessment of managed aquifer recharge schemes. The platform is accessible directly from the web browser and includes simulation tools of varying complexity. At its core, the platform provides the user with features to set up, run and analyse numerical groundwater flow and transport models based on the USGS MODFLOW family and the possibility to compare various groundwater management scenarios.
The platform is accessible under the following link: To access the full functionalities of the platform, free user registration is required. A special feature includes the account-based simulations where the current work status can be saved at any time for later continuation and can be shared with other users. Comprehensive online documentation including the theoretical background, the restrictions and equations as well as default examples are accessible on the platform web site.
Among the tools included are empirical tools derived from data mining (such as the Global MAR Portal, a tools for the design of infiltration basins, a database for GIS-based site suitability mapping, etc.), analytical tools based on simple equations (assessment of saltwater intrusion, calculation of pumping-induced river drawdown, estimation of groundwater mounding beneath an infiltration basin, etc.), and numerical tools for the MODFLOW-based setup and calculation of numerical groundwater models. The user-friendly scenarios management and analysis allows for a flexible interpretation of results and future predictions. Click here for the complete list of INOWAS tools.
The INOWAS platform was developed in the framework of INOWAS project with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF (project code: 01LN1311A) and further developed in the follow-up projects: DIGIRES (01DN19019), SMART-Control (033WU004A), TERESA (02WCL1552A) and AGREEMAR (02WPM1649A).