Innovative web-based decision support system for water sustainability under a changing climate (INOWAS)
Project type
Research project / Funding Junior Research Group
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
05.2014 - 04.2019
The climatic changes pose an immediate threat to water resources worldwide. One solution for the minimization of the impact is the compensation of deficits with sustainable strategies. The INOWAS project aims at providing stakeholders with a scientifically based decision support system (DSS) for planning, design and management of applications in the water sector. The focus lies on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of groundwater resources by means of scenario analysis, prognosis and risk assessment and with regard to the influencing climatic factors. The multi-component DSS is developed on an interactive web-based platform that combines a comprehensive knowledge base with complex scenario analysis tools. Different environmental scenarios can be simulated by the integration of Geographic Information Systems (problem definition using thematic maps) and CAD-based management tools of input and output data with process-based simulation tools (analytical and numerical models for water flow and reactive solute transport).

Head of Research Group INOWAS
NameDr. Catalin Stefan
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Research Group INOWAS
Research Group INOWAS
Visiting address:
Pratzschwitzer Str. 15, Room 210b
01796 Pirna