Finished Doctoral Procedures
Gustavo Luis Covatti: Hydrochemical Aspects of Riverbank Filtration in Vietnam
Peiju Fang: Investigating prevalence and transmission of antibiotic resistance in the environment at multiple scales
Johanna Fischer: Biopolymerbasierte Materialien als Precursoren für elektrochemische Anwendungen
Johanna Phuong Nong: Einfluss der Ligninstruktur auf die Sorptionseigenschaften von Ligninhydrogelen
Kristin Reiß: Soziale Innovation und Raum im Kontext einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation - Eine explorative Studie zu den Wirkungszusammenhängen von geographischer und relationaler Nähe und Distanz bei der Entstehung und Entwicklung alternativer sozialer Praktiken
Jannick Hannes Schmidt: Kreislaufwirtschaftliche Tiefencharakterisierung des Leichtverpackungs-Abfallanfalls in Deutschland
Jan Frederik Wilkens: Beech establishment in canopy gaps under climate change - Survival and growth responses of beech seedlings to variable environmental conditions associated with gaps and drought and their implications for adapting silviculture
Ehtesham Ahmed: Applicability of satellite and NWP precipitation for flood modeling and forecasting in transboundary Chenab River Basin, Pakistan
Markus Ahnert: Improvements in modelling wastewater treatment plants for design, optimisation and education
Dagninet Amare Aysheshim: Agroforestry Adoption in Ethiopia: Innovation Systems and Farm Level Analysis
Dominik Bahlburg: Advancing individual-based models of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba, Dana 1850)
Lucas Bittner: Paleoclimate reconstruction using biomarker and stable isotope analyses of lake sediments in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Basilius Kris Cahyanto: Monitoring framework for urban water management and its impact on environment and public health in large cities – an Indonesian case study
Lale Carstensen: Structure-property Relationships of Benzophenone-type UV Filters
Göksu Çelik: Environmental Hazard Assessment of Heterocyclic Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Aquatic Compartment
Stephan Eberle: Nitrogen Removal in Drinking Water Treatment - A Combination of Zeolite Sorption and the Anammox-Process
Mathias Gröbe: Multiscale visualization approaches for Volunteered Geographic Information and Location-based Social Media
Christian Heimpold: Wachstumskundliche Untersuchungen an Pappeln der Sektion Populus
Kendisha Illona Soekardjo Hintz: The potential roles of forest farmers' organizations in wood value chain upgrading in Eastern Africa
Ehsan Jafari: Optimization of electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) for industrial wastewater treatment
Anja Jahn: Untersuchung von Akteursverhalten in Stadtentwicklungsverfahren mit Bodenordnungsbedarf
Fritz Florian Kalwa: The Suitability of Vadose Zone Wells for Managed Aquifer Recharge with Low Quality Waters - An Assessment of Hydraulic Efficiency, Biodegradation and Clogging
Wantong Li: Terrestrial vegetation-water interactions in observations and models
Marc Löchner: Preserving user privacy in social media data processing
Desamparados Martinez Domingo: Improved Targeting Technique and Parsimonious Optimization as Synergistic Combination for Nitrate Hot Spots Identification and Best Management Practices Implementation in a watershed of the Midwestern
Kathrin Meinhold: Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit products as an exemplary NTFP: transitioning from subsistence to high-value markets
Boyan Meng: Numerical Investigations of Shallow Geothermal Applications Interacting with the Subsurface Environment
Bruno Walter Pietzsch: Combining individual-based and meta-modeling: Risk assessment of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) at the example of a national park in Germany
Judith Pöschmann: Exploring German Radar Data for Consistency and Potential Scaling in Time and Space
Dánnell Quesada Chacón: Deep Learning Based High-Resolution Statistical Downscaling to Support Climate Impact Modelling - The Case of Species Distribution Projections
Afshin Sadeghikhah: A Decentralized Solution for Sewer Leakage Detection
Hannes Sardemann: Conception and realisation of a photogrammetric multisensor system for an uncrewed water vehicle
Martin Schorcht: Spatial analysis, quantification and evaluation of developments in settlement structure based on topographic geodata
Juliane Stolz: Growth, vitality and stability: Spatio-temporal responses of European beech and Scots pine to climate change
Juliane Strätz: Synthesis of In Situ Gelling Hydrogels Based on Polysaccharides
Zhenyu Wang: Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variation of Trace Pollutants in Surface Water and Their Driving Forces
Steffen Weber: Fraktionierung des chemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs mithilfe von Extinktionsmessungen im UV/Vis-Spektralbereich
Kirana Widyastuti: Simulating Disturbance Impact on Wildlife with Agent-based Modeling Approach: A Study of Tropical Peatland Fire and Orangutan Habitat
Matthias Oskar Willen: On the quantification of ice sheet mass changes and glacial isostatic adjustment effects by combining satellite data
Constanze Anna Zöllter: Attraktive Wohn- und Lebensstandorte - welche Stärken und Potenziale haben geschrumpfte Mittelstädte in peripheren Lagen?
Maximilian Axer: Identification of seed and establishment limitation of beech and oak natural regeneration at the forest enterprise level using large-scale inventory data
Willy Martin Baumann: Artengruppen der Waldvegetation als Indikatoren für Auswirkungen periodischer Kalkungsmaßnahmen sowie von Schwefel- und Stickstoffdepositionen auf Waldökosysteme
Susanne Beer: Bestimmung richtungsabhängiger Codeverzögerungen von GNSS-Satellitenantennen
Aparna Chandrasekar: Transport of Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 through sandy sediments
Chaofan Chen: Investigation on the heat extraction performance of deep closed-loop borehole heat exchanger system for building heating
Andreas Halbritter: Contributions to the economic analysis of even-aged silviculture: From simple models to complex analyses
Christiane Elisabeth Helbig: Schadinsekten in Kurzumtriebsplantagen mit Pappeln, Weiden und Robinie in Sachsen und Südbrandenburg
Michael Jenke: Enabling effective community forestry through a national co-management program: The case of Thailand’s community forestry program
Ioannis Kampouris: The impact of treated wastewater irrigation on the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in soil, subsoil and groundwater environments
Min-Kyung Kang: An analysis of the process of policy-making to prevent deforestation in Indonesia
Sebastian Maximilian Kirsten: Effect of mineralogy on soil organic carbon content and persistence in mineral-organic associations and aggregates in highly weathered soils of the humid tropics
Thanh Thi Luong: Development of a semi-automatic approach to estimate pre-event soil moisture for Flash Flood Guidance in low mountain ranges (Saxony)
David Mader: Entwicklung von Full-Waveform Stackingverfahren zur Detektion schwacher Gewässerbodenechos in der Laserbathymetrie
Ferdinand Maiwald: A window to the past through modern urban environments – Developing a photogrammetric workflow for the orientation parameter estimation of historical images
Kathrin Meinhold: Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit products as an exemplary NTFP: transitioning from subsistence to high-value markets
Sulagna Mishra: Virtual experiments as a contribution to the management of rivers impacted by microbial pollution and antibiotic resistance
Kristin Morgenstern: Die Rostige Douglasienschütte: Untersuchungen zur Verbreitungsstrategie und der genetischen Variation von Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Sydow
Andrea Beatrix Müller Pavez: Risk and sustainability assessment (RSA) framework for ‘water scarcity – water reuse’ situations: Conceptualisation, operationalisation, and testing
Fred Nkubito: Low-income tenants’ housing accessibility and affordable housing provision barriers. The case of Kigali, Rwanda
Folasade Kemi Olagoke: Microbial interactions with soil minerals – effects on extracellular enzyme activity and aggregation
Mohammad Qasim: Forest Biomass and Land Cover Change Assessment of a National Park using Remote Sensing Based Approach: A Case Study from Pakistan
Anika Reetsch: Integration of Organic Farm Waste into Smallholder Banana-Coffee-Based Farming Systems in the Kagera Region, NW Tanzania
Anja Schmotz: Mehrebenengovernance im europäischen Bahnsektor am Beispiel des grenzüberschreitenden Schienenpersonenverkehrs in Mitteleuropa
Jiyoon Song: Integration of climate measures into urban regeneration, using the case of Seoul
Elmoiz Yousif Elnayer Taha: Agricultural Drought Risk Assessment of Rainfed Agriculture in the Sudan Using Remote Sensing and GIS: The Case of El Gedaref State
Ivan Vorobevskii: Modelling the water balance in small catchments: development of a global application for a local scale
Clemens Johannes Weiser: Analyse der Schädigung von Rot-Buchen-Voranbauten (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Folge der Nachlichtung des Schirmes aus Gemeiner Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst) im Landeswald des Freistaates Sachsen
Jöran Zeisler: Analyse der Laserscanner-basierten Spurwechseldetektion im Kontext des hochautomatisierten Fahrens
Mandy Zieger-Hofmann: Neoproterozoic glaciations of southern Namibia (Kalahari Craton) – Characteristics, geotectonic setting, provenance and geochronological correlation
Jasper Bathmann: Flows Form Forests: The Mangrove Groundwater Feedback Model - MANGA
Cornelia Burmeister: Retrospective analysis and scenario-based projection of land-cover change. The example of the Upper Western Bug River catchment, Ukraine
Peter Busch: Nutzung von GNSS-Messungen für die Analyse geodynamischer Prozesse in der Antarktis
Melanie Elias: On the use of smartphones as novel photogrammetric water gauging instruments - Developing tools for crowdsourcing water levels
Christian Engelmann: Towards an improved understanding of DNAPL source zone formation to strengthen contaminated site assessment: A critical evaluation at the laboratory scale
Christina Görner: Testing and improving the spatial and temporal resolution of satellite, radar and station data for hydrological applications
Stefan Andreas Grüner: Multiparameteranalyse und pharmazeutische Spurenstoffuntersuchung im Mischwasserkanal
Marcus Hennek: Der Einfluss des Rückegassenabstandes auf die Wertentwicklung von Waldbeständen
Lisanne Hölting: Multifunctionality of landscapes - an ecosystem service perspective
Karla Elisabeth Saskia Jerosch: Die reichstrukturierte Agrarlandschaft - ein unbeachteter Lebensraum für die gefährdete Europäische Wildkatze (Felis silvestris)
Diana Alejandra Jiménez Montoya: Linking indigenous territorial autonomy and environmental sustainability: a case study of the resguardo El Duya in Colombia
Issam Khaddam: Optimal Layout and Salinity Management of Drip Irrigation Systems
Philipp Körner: Fog and Fog Deposition: A novel approach to estimate the occurrence of fog and the amount of fog deposition; a case study for Germany
Verena Maleska: A Methodology for Investigating the Dynamics and Uncertainties of Flood Risks; Frameworks and Simulations Regarding Climate Change
Roman Maletz: Bewertung von Optimierungsansätzen bei der Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen
Miguel Alonzo Moreno Gomez: Development of an Integrated Methodology to Estimate Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution in Karst Areas
Maria Elena Orduna Alegria: Optimization of Agro-Socio-Hydrological Networks under Water Scarcity Conditions. Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Water Resource Management
Julian David Reyes-Silva: Influence of Network Structure on the Function of Urban Drainage Systems
Jana Richter-Krautz: Provenance of detrital zircons on Quaternary slope deposits in the south-western USA (Great Basin and Colorado Plateau)
Naeem Saddique: Hydrometeorological Responses to Climate and Land Use Changes in the Jhelum River Basin, Pakistan
Johann Schnittger: The Treatment of Saline Solutions Utilizing Ceramic Membranes in Membrane Distillation Processes
Matthias Soot: Immobilienbewertung in Märkten mit wenigen Transaktionen – Möglichkeiten statistischer Auswertungen
Nadine Angela Sossalla: Characterization, resilience, and optimization of micropollutant and biological effect removal by treatment wetlands treating municipal wastewater
Claudia Stange: Entwicklung und Anwendung molekularbiologischer Methoden zur Identifizierung fäkaler Eintragsquellen in Rohwasser (Microbial Source Tracking)
Patricia Stock: Methodischer Beitrag zur Prozessidentifikation von Umsetzungsprozessen des Stickstoffs in belasteten Grundwasserleitern mittels stabiler Isotope
Sarah Strugale: Brandenburger Vereine und ihr Beitrag zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge in Landgemeinden
Busha Teshome Tolera: Cluster analysis for forest and wood-processing industry sector development in Ethiopia
Hiep Tran Van: Key factors affecting small bamboo enterprises upgrading in North Vietnam: Case studies from Chuong My, Hanoi and Thanh Hoa province
Sekela Simon Twisa: Sustainability of Rural Water Supply in Sub-Saharan Africa: GIT-Based Studies in East-Central Tanzania
Yuan Wei: Biomass Model of Short Rotation Poplar Plantations in China
Jeroen Hendricus Theodoor Zethof: The role of extracellular polymeric substances from microbes in soil aggregate stabilization in semiarid grasslands
Johannes Zieger: The Namibian Karoo Supergroup as an example for supercontinent scale sediment dynamics