Prof. Dr. Nikola Bešinović appointed as Head of Chair

Appointment Nikola Besinovic
From the first of November 2023, Prof. Dr. Nikola Bešinović takes up his new position as head of chair of the Chair of Railway Operations, after being at the Chair as acting head of chair since 22th of June 2022.
Nikola's expertise lies in developing sophisticated data-driven mathematical models and algorithms, with a special focus on enhancing railway and public transport systems. His career is adorned with pivotal roles in numerous EU and national research projects, in collaboration with various universities, railway, and IT companies throughout Europe. His current research is centered around creating resilient public transport systems, ranging from identifying vital components, crafting effective recovery strategies, to fortifying these systems against future disruptions and disasters.
In addition, the Chair, formerly known as Chair of Rail and Public Urban Transport, has been renamed to Chair of Railway Operations. At the present, the structuring in four research groups (Railway Operations, Rail Freight and Logistics, Public Urban Transport and the Railway Laboratory) will be continued.
We wish Nikola Bešinović a lot of success in his new position and are looking forward towards working together to further both education and research in the versatile area of railway operations and the related fields.