Prof. Dr. Nikola Bešinović
Nikola Bešinović’s research develops analytics and optimization methodologies to promote efficient, reliable, and sustainable transport systems. His main focus is on railway traffic management systems, where he proposes data-driven decision-making approaches to enhance railway operations, train scheduling and driver behaviour. He is also interested in new resilient transport concepts, determining critical infrastructure and operations, and impacts of increased transport demand on further technological development of railway systems.
Nikola received several scientific awards, including the Young Railway Operations Researcher Award from IAROR, the First Prize at the TRAVISIONS Young Researcher Competition, the Best Student Paper from INFORMS Railway Application Section, and the 3RD Best IEEE ITS Dissertation Award.
- Assessing and enhancing resilience of railway transport systems
- Integrated passenger and train disruption management for metro systems
- Optimizing railway operations for maintenance possessions
- Artificial Intelligence in railway transport
- Railway timetabling under growing passenger demand
Robust optimization of train timetables with short-length and full-length services considering uncertain passenger volume and service choice behavior , Dez. 2024, in: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 169, 104855Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Freight train scheduling for industrial lines with multiple railway undertakings , Sept. 2024, in: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management. 31, 17 S., 100466Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Service quality assessment of international rail transport with multiple border crossings: Eurasian rail transport as an example , März 2024, in: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management. 29(2024), 16 S., 100432Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
A data-driven approach for quantifying the resilience of railway networks , Jan. 2024, in: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 179(2024), 18 S., 103913Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Quantifying periodic railway network capacity using petri nets and macroscopic fundamental diagram , Jan. 2024, in: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 158(2024), 28 S., 104436Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
- Bešinović N., (2017). Integrated models for capacity assessment and timetabling in dense railway networks, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Bešinović N., Goverde R.M.P. (2018). Capacity Assessment in Railway Networks. In: Borndörfer R., Klug T., Lamorgese L., Mannino C., Reuther M., Schlechte T. (eds) Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 268. Springer, Cham
2012 - 2017 | PhD in Railway Science |
Department of Transport and Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands |
2009 - 2011 | M.Sc. in Operations research in Transport and Traffic Engineering |
Department of Operations Research in Transport, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia |
2004 - 2009 | B.Sc. in Railway Transport and Traffic Engineering |
Department of Railway Transport and Traffic Engineering, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia |
2023 - now | Inhaber der Professur |
Chair of Railway Operations , “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany | |
2022 - 2023 | Vertretung der Professur |
Chair of Railway Operations (previously Rail and Urban Public Transport), “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany |
2017 - 2022 | Researcher and Lecturer |
Department of Transport and Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, the Netherlands | |
2018 - 2019 | Guest Researcher |
Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), Beijing, China | |
2016 - 2016 | Guest Researcher |
Network Rail and Digital Railways, London, United Kingdom | |
2012 - 2017 | PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant |
PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, the Netherlands |

Inhaber der Professur
NameHerr Prof. Dr. Nikola Bešinović
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Professur für Betrieb von Bahnsystemen
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