Foto der Gleise 18 und 19 in der Nordhalle des Hauptbahnhofs Dresden. Rechts, am Gleis 19 steht die S-Bahn, S 1, Richtung Meißen. © Professur für Gestaltung von Bahnanlagen

The Professorship introduces itself

Railway engineering is taught and researched at the Dresden University of Technology or its predecessors since 1873. Direct forerunners of the professorship for design of railway facilities were the "Professorship for planning and design of railway systems and unconventional railways" (Professor Dr.-Ing. Habil. Dr.-Ing. Eh Manfred Zschweigert) and the "Chair for track construction and rail technology" ( Prof. Dr.-Ing., Günter Berg), who in 2003 were combined into a professorship for design of railway facilities. Objects of teaching and research are planning, design and construction of railway systems; We attach great importance to a close relationship to practice.

learn more The Professorship introduces itself
Vorderansicht E-Lok BR 114 auf der Strecke © Professur für Gestaltung von Bahnanlagen