Chair of Railway Track Engineering
The working area of the professorship is the infrastructure of railways, railways and other railways. The approximately 10 members of the professorship work and research in the field of design of the railway facilities as well as the railway track.
- In the section "Design of Railway Systems", topics such as the track layout of routes and stations, the routing of tracks and switches as well as the complex design of railway systems on the basis of traffic and operational requirements are dealt with.
- The section "Track and Track Engineering" deals with the structural design of the track and the points as track of the railway in the interaction of load and load capacity. One focus of research is turnout design. Static and dynamic load tests on superstructure constructions are carried out in our own upper construction laboratory; et al a servohydraulic testing machine is available for this purpose.
- The professorship holds courses for the diploma course in traffic engineering, for the master course in railway system engineering, for the diploma course in civil engineering as well as for a number of other courses of study.
- Graduates of the courses in which the Chair of Railway Track Engineering is formally involved work predominantly with railway and transport companies, the railway sector, planning offices or the public sector (eg federal or state authorities).