Studying at the Chair of Planinng and Design of Railway Infrastructure
Our professorship offers courses for the planning and design of railway systems as well as the superstructure of the railway and other railways as their infrastructure. The lectures, exercises, internships and seminars - as a compulsory or compulsory elective subject - are part of different study programs and are attended by several hundred students each year.

Those who study with us?
In the majority we supervise students of the study courses Traffic Engineering (Diploma), Railway System Engineering (M.Sc.) and Civil Engineering (Diploma), as well as students of Industrial Engineering, Transport Economics and other programs. In addition, there are foreign students who want to acquire or deepen their skills in the field of railway infrastructure through exchange programs or as Erasmus students.Seminar and study papers as well as theses (diploma thesis or master's thesis) can be prepared at the professorship, also in cooperation with non-university partners.